![Miloš Rašić](https://etno-institut.co.rs/storage/430/5fa27eef819f5_za-sajt1.jpg)
Miloš Rašić
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Research Associate
Fields of research: migration, identity, cultural heritage, dance and music.
Email: milos.rasic@ei.sanu.ac.rs
2020 Research Associate at the Institute of Ethnography of SASA
2020 Completed doctoral studies in Ethnology and Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2015 Completed master’s studies in Ethnology and Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2015 Acquired the position of Curator
2010 Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade with a degree in Ethnology and Anthropology
2016 The Institute of Ethnography of SASA
2018-2020 Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade
2015/2016 Department of ethnology and anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2014-2016 Museum of Yugolavia
Selected projects
- „Conducting journey maps and focus groups discussions with returnees and non-returnees applying for or receiving social assistance and services under the Technical Assistance to Serbia’s Social Card Registry and Social Protection Information System”, (The Institute of Ethnography of SASA and World Bank), Principal Investigator
- „Serbs in multicultural Vienna – Assessment of multicultural policy in Vienna“S(Ethnological and Anthropological Association of Serbia and Ministry of Foreigns Affairs of Serbia), Researcher
- „Qualitative research regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Roll-out in identified populations in Serbia“ (SeConS group and World health organization), researcher
- „Measurment, Awarness-raising and Policy Engagement to Accelerate Action against Child Labor and Forced Labor in Serbia“ (SeConS group and International Labour Organisation), Researcher and manager of sub-project activities
- Multiethnicity, multiculturalism, migrations - modern processes (The Institute of Ethnography of SASA), Researcher
- Intangible cultural heritage in cultural-artistic and educational associations in Serbia and the diaspora (Ethnological and anthropological association of Serbia and Ministry of Culture), Researcher
- Research of knowledge and preservation of intangible cultural heritage among youth in Serbia and diaspora (Ethnological and anthropological association of Serbia and Ministry of Culture), Researcher
- Attitude towards identity: research on the status of the third and fourth generations of Serbian migrants in Vienna (Ethnological and anthropological association of Serbia and Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Researcher
- Aspects of integration of the third and foruth generations of Serbian migrants in Austria (Ethnological and anthropological association of Serbia and Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Researcher
- Dance tradition in Vranje – education and presentation (Center for research and preservation of traditional dances of Serbia), Researcher and lecturer
Selected scientific conferences
- Return Migration and its Consequences in Southeastern Europe, 3-7.10.2022, Tutzing (Germany). Organization Akademie für Politische Bildung u Tutzingu. Presentation entitled: Return migration in Serbia: realistic expectations or wishful thinking?.
- The Spirit and the Shadows of Yugoslavia: Reflections and Processes 30 Years after the Dissolution of SFRY, 28.06.2021, Skoplje. Presentation entitled: Yugoslav Clubs in Vienna as Places of Self-Identification: An Analysis of the Influence of Yugoslavia and its Disintegration on Club Policies.
- Creativity and innovation in the production of dramatic arts, media and culture: visions and values for the future, 17-19.11.2021, Beolgrade. Organization Faculty of Drama Arts, Belgrade. Presentation entitled: Migrant Theatre Troup „Non-Aligned Dilettantes“ (Vienna, Austria) As An Artistic Mirror of Their Own Community – Perspectives After the Pandemic.
- Music and dance in the time of (post)tradition, 03-05.12.2021, Belgrade. Organization Faculty of Music Arts, Belgrade. Presentation entitled: Outsider participation: A self-reflexive review of the work within the Department of Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology of the FMU in Belgrade.
- Cultural diplomacy and cultural relationships: strengthening fair cooperation, diversity and dialogue, 01-03.06.2022, Belgrade. Organization University of Arts in Belgrade. Presentation entitled: Traditional dances in cultural diplomacy of Yugoslavia and Serbia: example of profesional folk dance ansamble „Kolo“.
- Anthropology of music, 23.03.2018, Belgrade. Organization the Institute and the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Presentation entitled: Turbotronik: Case Study of Lenhart Tapes and Mirjana Raićž
- Tradicija i sovremenost vo Makedonija i Srbija, 24-25.11.2017, Skopje. Presentation entitled: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Macedonians in Kačarevo Between folklore and folklorism. Organization The Institute of folklore research „Marko Cepenkov“, Skopje.
Membership in Scientific Organizations
Ethnological and Anthropological Associations of Serbia
International Council for Traditional Music and Dance
Center for research and preservation of traditional dances from Serbia
Membership in editorial boards of scientific journals
Since 2017, member of the editorial board of the Czech scientific journal, Národopisný věstník, journal of the Czech Ethnological Society
Teaching activities and guest lectures
Two school years, 2018-2020, he taught several subjects in the field of ethnology and dance anthropology at the undergraduate and master's studies of the Department of Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.
Invited guest lecture (2022) at the University of Lyon 2 in Lyon (France), in the master studies of anthropology, within the subject Current Issues in Anthropology II.
Winner of the "Dušan Bandić" award for the best book in the field of ethnology and anthropology in 2022, awarded by the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
Rašić, Miloš. 2022. Zamišljena domovina: klubovi, identitet i integracija srpskih gastarbajtera u Beču [An Imagined Homeland: Clubs, Identity and Integration of Serbian Guest Workers in Vienna]. Etnografski institut SANU: Beograd.
Rašić, Miloš. 2016. Da li su antropolozima potrebni muzeji? Antropološka analiza uloge etnologa-antropologa u muzejima [Do anthropologists need museums? Anthropological analysis of the role of ethnologist-anthropologist in museums]. Glasnik Etnografskog muzeja 80: 89-111.
Rašić, Miloš. 2016. Antropologija muzike: paradigme i perspektive [Anthropology of Music: Paradigms and Perspectives]. Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti 4: 133-145.
Rašić, Miloš. 2016. „Praznovanje sopstva“: Evropska smotra srpskog folklora kao mesto konstrukcije i komoditizacije identiteta [Celebrating Oneself: European Review of Serbian Folklore as a Place of Construction and Commoditization of Identity]. Etnoantropološki problemi 11(4): 133-145. (ISSN 0353-1589; UDK: 398:78(=163.41))
Rašić, Miloš. 2017. Jugoslovenski/srpski klubovi u Beču u istorijskom kontekstu [Yugoslav/Serbian Clubs in Vienna in Historical Context]. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU LXV: 687-703 (ISSN 0350-0861; UDK 314.743(=163.41)(436.1)).
Rašić, Miloš. 2017. Nematerijalno kulturno nasleđe Makedonaca u Kačarevu između folklora i folklorizma [Intangible Cultural Heritage of Macedonians in Kačarevo Between Folklore and Folklorism]. U Tradicija i sovremenost vo Makedonija i Srbija, Katerina Petrovska-Kuzmanova (ur.), 191-203. Skopje: Institut za folklor „Marko Cepenkov“.
Rašić, Miloš. 2018. Olivera Mladenović i narodne igre u kontekstu srpske etnologije [Olivera Mladenović and Folk Dances in the Contex of Serbian Ethnology]. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU LXVI (1): 53-72. (ISSN 0350-0861; UDK 394.3(497.11):929).
Rašić, Miloš. 2018. Turbotronik – studija slučaja Lenhart Tapes-a i Mirjane Raić [Turbotronic – Case Study of Lenhart Tapes and Mirjana Raić]. Etnoantropološki problemi 13 (4): 951-969. (ISSN 0353-1589; UDK: 316.7:784.011.26)
Antonijević, Dragana i Miloš Rašić. 2018. Amaterske pozorišne predstave srpskih migranata u Beču [Amateur Theatre Plays of Serbian Migrants in Vienna]. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU LXVI (3): 493-510. (ISSN 0350-0861; UDK 314.7.745.3-054.72:792(436.1).
Antonijević, Dragana, Miloš Rašić i Ana Banić Grubišić. 2020. Šta mladi u Srbiji i dijaspori (ne)znaju o nematerijalnom kulturnom nasleđu? [ What do young people in Serbia and the diaspora (don't) know about intangible cultural heritage?] Etnoantropološki problemi 15 (4): 1037-1058.
Rašić, Miloš. 2021. Potraga za identitetom: Antropološko tumačenje angažovanog istraživanja u Paštrovićima i upotreba koncepta nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđe u identitetsko-političke svrhe. [Search for identity: Anthropological interpretation of engaged research in Paštrovići and the use of the concept of intangible cultural heritage for identity-political purposes] Etnološkoantropološki problemi 16 (1): 179-207.
Rašić, Miloš. 2021. Antropološki pristup javnim politikama – teorijsko-metodološko razmatranje [Anthropological Approach to Public Policy – Theoretical and Methodological Consideration]. Zbornik radova Matice srpske za društvene nauke 179(3): 377-386.
Rašić, Miloš. 2021. Koreografisanje tradicionalnih plesova u sistemu komodifikujućih praksi: primer srpskih klubova u Beču [Choreographing Traditional Dances in the Context of Commodification Practices]. Narodna umjetnost 58(2): 221-239.
Antonijević, Dragana, Ana Banić Grubišić i Miloš Rašić. 2021. A Decade of Studying Gastarbeiters through projects of the Ethnological-Anthropological Society of Serbia. Etnoantropološki problemi 16(4): 981-1012.
Rašić, Miloš. 2022. Učenje tradicionalnog pevanja u srpskim klubovima u Beču – ekonomski aspekti između amaterizma i profesionalizma [Learning of Traditional Singing in the Serbian Clubs in Vienna – Economy Between Amateurism and Professionalism]. Muzikologija 32: 225-244.
Antonijević, Dragana and Miloš Rašić. 2022. „Return of Labour Migrants to Serbia: Realistic Expectations or Wishful Thinking?“. Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 17(4): 12039-1264.
Bašić, Ivana, S. Žakula i Miloš Rašić. Simbol [Symbol]. Mali leksikon srpske kulture – 70 izabranih etnoloških i antropoloških pojmova. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: 372-379 (ISBN 978-86-519-2080-9)
Blagojević, Gordana i Miloš Rašić. Ples [Dance]. Mali leksikon srpske kulture – 70 izabranih etnoloških i antropoloških pojmova. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: 298-302 (ISBN 978-86-519-2080-9)
Radović, Srđan, M. Tomašević i Miloš Rašić. Teorije u srpskoj etnologiji [Theory in Serbian Ethnology]. Mali leksikon srpske kulture – 70 izabranih etnoloških i antropoloških pojmova. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: 394-399 (ISBN 978-86-519-2080-9)
Rašić, Miloš i Ljiljana Gavrilović. Izvori [Sources]. Mali leksikon srpske kulture – 70 izabranih etnoloških i antropoloških pojmova. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: 125-129 (ISBN 978-86-519-2080-9)
Trifunović, Vesna i Miloš Rašić. Urbani folklor [Urban Folklore]. Mali leksikon srpske kulture – 70 izabranih etnoloških i antropoloških pojmova. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: 411-415 (ISBN 978-86-519-2080-9)