Sonja Radivojević
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Research Assistant
Research Interests: human-technology relations, digital anthropology, anthropology of media, material culture
Education / Academic Qualifications
- 2024 Earned a PhD at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
- 2021 Research Associate, Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade.
- 2019–2021 Junior Researcher, Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade.
- 2017 Earned a Master's degree at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
- 2016 Earned a Bachelor's degree at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
- 2019 The Institute of Ethnography, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2017/2018 Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2024–2025 Supporting the delivery of a Personal Initiative Training for Roma Women in Serbia, The Institute of Ethnography SASA, supported by the World Bank and the Entrepreneurship Training Institute (Germany).
- 2023–2027 Cultural Identities and Social Interaction in Physical and Digital Worlds: Case Studies from Serbia and Greece, Institute of Ethnography SASA in collaboration with the Laboratory for Social Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
- 2021–2023 Slovakia and the Slovak Community of Vojvodina: Intraethnic Relations and Boundaries, SASA-SAS-21-03, under the SASA-SAS agreement.
- 2019 Interdisciplinary Research on Cultural and Linguistic Heritage of Serbia: Multimedia Internet Portal – Serbian Culture Glossary (MPNTR RS 47016), Institute of Ethnography SASA.
- 2018 Socio-economic Context and the Issue of Gender-Based Violence, Center for Women’s Studies, Belgrade.
International Conferences, Academic Meetings, and Study Visits
- 2022 National conference with international participation, Anthropology (in) the Future, Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade–Viminacium.
- 2021 International online conference, Creativity and Innovations in Theatre, Media, and Cultural Production: Visions and Values for the Future, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade.
- 2020 International conference, Women Scientists in Society, Institute of Ethnography SASA and UNESCO, Belgrade.
- 2019 International conference, New Horizons of Culture, Arts, and Media in the Digital Environment, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade.
- 2018 National conference, Anthropology of Music, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade.
Workshops, Seminars, and Lectures
2024 Workshop: "Reinterpreting Industrial Heritage through Digital Technologies: Utopia or Dystopia," organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science and the Museum of Science and Technology, June 3, 2024.- 2021 Lecture at the seminar "Researching the History and Contributions of Women Scientists in Serbia: Methods and Approaches."
- 2021 Online course: "An Anthropology of Smartphones: Communication, Ageing, and Health," University College London (UCL), taught by Daniel Miller, May 10–30, 2021.
- 2021 Certified online seminar on peer review for researchers, May 18 and 27, 2021, (Center for the Promotion of Science, CPN).
- 2021 Online seminar: "Feminist Research Methodologies and Digital Feminist Research," organized by the New University in Exile Consortium at The New School, September 3-December 9, 2021.
- 2021 Online seminar: "Online Dwelling: The Anthropology of the Smartphone" (Xinyuan Wang, UCL).
- 2020 "Why the World Needs Anthropologists: Mobilizing the Planet Digitally" – Online workshop. "Digital Cultures. Imagined Futures" – Online workshops.
- 2020 Third International Workshop on Gerontechnology – Virtual workshop (key speaker Daniel Miller).
- 2020 Seminar: "Traditional Ethnography for New Digital Worlds" with Elisabetta Costa (University of Groningen), organized by Leiden University (Netherlands).
- 2019 International panel: "(Post)Digital Age: Media, Business, Technology, Trust" (Faculty of Media And Communications, Belgrade).
- 2019 Seminar: "Scientists for Scientists" (Institute of Ethnography SASA and UNESCO, Belgrade).
- 2019 Methodological workshop for doctoral students with Zofia Boni (University of Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade).
- 2017 Best Master's Thesis Award, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, academic year 2016/2017.
- 2016 Best Undergraduate Thesis Award, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, academic year 2015/2016.
Other Activities
- 2020–2024 Secretary of the Editorial Board for the academic journal Bulletin of the Institute ofEthnography SASA.
- 2019 Member of the Ethnological and Anthropological Society of Serbia.
- Dajić, Ana i Radivojević, Sonja. 2019. Radio „na oblaku“: novi autorski pristupi u kreiranju internet radija. Etnoantropološki problemi 14(1): 97–117.
- Радивојевић, Соња. 2020. (Де)колонизација дигиталног окружења: интернет и нови(ји) медији као места савремених антрополошких истраживања и како им етнографски прићи. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 68 (2): 419–438.
- Radivojević, Sonja. 2020. Biti žensko u srpskoj tradicionalnoj i savremenoj kulturi: etnografski rad Miroslave Malešević kroz prizmu rodnog pitanja. U NAUČNICE U DRUŠTVU. Radovi sa konferencije održane od 11. do 13. februara
- 2020. u Srpskoj akademiji nauka i umetnosti u Beogradu, (ur.) Lada Stevanović, Mladena Prelić i Miroslava Lukić Krstanović, 431–439. Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU.
- Radivojević, Sonja. 2023. „O ljudsko-tehnološkim odnosima iz antropološke perspektive – promišljanja na preseku prošlosti i budućnosti“. U Horizonti budućnosti: antropološki i drugi naučni pristupi, ur. Bojana Bogdanović i Kristijan Obšust, 159–182. Novi Sa- Beograd: Arhiv Vojvodine-Etnografski institut SANU.
- Радивојевић, Соња. 2024. Чекајући (нову) нормалност: дигиталне технологије, блискост и праксе бивања заједно током пандемије ковида 19 у Србији. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 72 (2): 226–248.
- Radivojević, Sonja. 2021. Ethnographic Jorney into The Heart of Smartphone. Review of the Book The Global Smartphone: Beyond a Youth Technology, Daniel Miller. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 69 (3): 689-692