Edited Volume “Gender, knowledge and power: history, heritage and significance of women scholars and scientists in Serbia” published

The Edited Volume “Gender, Knowledge and Power: History, Heritage and Significance of Women Scholars and Scientists in Serbia” is one of the results of the project Heritage and Significance of Women Scientists in Serbia: Research of the Past as Investment for the Future of the SASA Institute of Ethnography organised wi...

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Happy holidays!

Dear colleagues, associates and friends of the SASA Institute of Ethnography, we have concluded an extremely successful business year in which we realised a great number of projects of which we are very proud. Many of them could not have been realised without a wider circle of collaborators outside of our institution. Therefo...

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Sixth call announced for the participation of talented young researchers/doctoral students in the scientific research of the scientific research organisations

The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation invites talented young researchers – students of doctoral academic studies to participate in the scientific research in the accredited scientific-research organisations founded by the Republic of Serbia, an autonomous province or local self-government unit, as...

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“Creating a digital database with the archival folklore material of the SASA IE: challenges, experiences and first results” lecture and discussion held

A lecture followed by a discussion entitled: Creating a digital database with the archival folklore material of the SASA IE: challenges, experiences and the first results was held on December 26 as part of the Forum of the SASA Institute of Ethnography. The working group for documentation (archival and fieldwork record...

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Public Library “Boljevac” and the Library of “Ramonda” Hotel at Rtanj presented with the Institute`s publications

Professor Dragana Radojičić, PhD, director of the SASA Institute of Ethnography, visited the Public Library “Boljevac” in Boljevac, and on that occasion presented this public institution with the Institute`s publications that will significantly enrich its librarian collection. The future cooperation between the two institutio...

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