Objavljen međunarodni zbornik radova

U izdanju Etnografskog instituta SANU i Ansambla narodnih igara i pesama Srbije objavljen je međunarodni zbornik radova „Koreografija tradicionalnog plesa na sceni: Krize, perspektive i globalni dijalozi“. Sadržaj zbornika čini 14 naučnih radova koje potpisuju naučnici i naučnice iz Srbije, Hrvatske, SAD, Irske, Francuske, Ve...

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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Dear colleagues, associates and friends of the SASA Institute of Ethnography,At the end of another year, we would like to thank you for following the work of our institution and supporting us in our efforts to achieve better scientific results year after year. It has been a pleasure to share our success wit...

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