
Branko Banović
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Head of the EI SASA | senior research associate
Fields of research: anthropology of mining, minority cultures, anthropology of masculinity, identity, intangible cultural heritage, anthropology of medicine
Email: branko.banovic@ei.sanu.ac.rs
2022 Acquired the rank of Senior Research Associate (Institute of Ethnography of SASA)
2020 Acquired the rank of Research Associate (Faculty of Phislosophy, University of Belgrade)
2015 Acquired the rank of Research Associate (Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade) 2010 Received his doctorate in Ethnology and Anthropology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2014 Acquired the rank of Museum Advisor (Ministry of Culture, Montenegro)
2010 Received his doctorate Ethnology and Anthropology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2007 Received his magister degree in Ethnology and Anthropology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2005 Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade with a degree in Ethnology and Anthropology
2021 Institute of Ethnography SASA
2008-2021 The Regional Museum of Pljevlja
- Serbian intangible cultural heritage in the Western Balkans: Perils and prospects of inclusive research and safeguarding (SICHWEB). Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (2023-2025). Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade, Institute of Ethnography SASA. Project manager dr. Miloš Milenkovic, full professor, Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade. Role in the project – member of the project team (research, dissemination, consultations)
- Banovic/Milenkovic. Toward Inclusion of Missing Stakeholders in Design and Implementation of Public Policies for Environmental Protection: A Comparative Anthropological Study in Serbia and Montenegro Loznica in Serbia and Pljevlja in Montenegro (2022-2023). ISRF Flexible Grants for Small Groups. Uloga u projektu – rukovodilac projekta(istraživanje, konsultacija, diseminacija i administrativni rad)
- Preserving Cultural Heritage and Combating Trafficking of Conflict Antiquities: A Multi Regional Project. 2019. (State Department, USA) (member)
- Archaeological and conservation research and implementation of remedial measures at the Municipium S (Phase I, II and III - 2018, 2019 and 2020) (Ministry of Culture of Montenegro and Center for Conservation and Archeology of Montenegro). Role in the project - deputy head of the expert team (research, dissemination)
- Medieval tombstones Stećci in the Pljevlja region (I, II and III phases – 2015, 2016 and 2017) (The Regional Museum of Pljevlja and Ministry of Culture of Montenegro). Role in the project – project manager (research, consultations, dissemination and administrative work)
- Husein Pasha Boljanić and his endowments. 2019 (The Regional Museum of Pljevlja, Ministry of Culture of Montenegro). Role in the project – project manager (research, consultations, administrative work and dissemination)
- Monumental heritage of Yugoslav Front of World War II in Pljevlja. 2017 (The Regional Museum of Pljevlja, Ministry of Culture of Montenegro). Role in the project – project manager (research, consultations, dissemination);
- Cadastre of Muslim cemeteries in 2014, 2015 and 2016 (Fund for Minorities of Montenegro and NGO "Muslim Civic Forum"). Role in the project – project manager (research, consultations, dissemination)
International coferences (selected presentations)
- Branko Banović, Miloš Milenković, Jelena Vasiljević: „Drawing Parallels between Controversies over Shutting Down TPP Pljevlja (Montenegro) and Opening a Jadarite Mine (ie. Lithium) near the City of Loznica (Serbia)“. 17th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast (26-29 July, 2022)
- „Controversies over Montenegrin Identity after the Political Turn in 2020: Can Montenegro Overcome Identity Tensions on Its Path Towards the EU Membership?“ „We, the People of the United Europe: Reflections on the European State of Mind.“ Univeristy of Udine (Jean Monnet Network) (June, 2022)
- Branko Banović, Marko Milenković, Miloš Milenković. „Big mining projects and impact on public health: examination of narratives on the Pljevlja mine in Montenegro and the potential Loznica mine in Serbia“. „Energy transition and environmental contestation in the Balkans.“ Institite of Philosophy and Social Theory University of Belgrade (December, 2022)
- “Between Solidifying and Fracturing the Montenegrin Identity: Identity Controversies over Montenegro’s integration into the European Union and NATO”. “Nationalism, Memory and Democratic Decay in the New EU Member States and Candidate Countries” (University of Udine, Department of Legal Studies) and Jean Monnet Module “Anthropology of the European Union” (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy 2022)
- Branko Banović, Miloš Milenković. „The Anthropological Study of Eco-Activism in the Most Polluted Montenegrin Town (the Pljevlja Case Study)“. The Interdisciplinary International Symposium Nature and Man (the XXXIIIth edition). County Prahova Council, Prahova County Natural Sciences Museum and Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology (November 2022)
- „Challenges of Lifelong Learning in Serbia: An Anthropological Perspective on Insufficient Participation of Women and Rural Populations in Lifelong Learning Programs.“ Anthropology and Geriatrics: Bio-Medical and Socio-Cultural Aspects. Comitee of Anthropology of Romanian Academy (Bucarest, May 2022)
- Nakit od uglja: ka učitavanju novih značenja. Međunarodna multidisciplinarna stručna konferencija po pozivu „Kulturne i kreativne industrije & baština: potencijali i izazovi“. Društvo za kulturni razvoj BAUO (March, 2022)
- Branko Banović, Miloš Milenković. „A postcultural Perspective: Challenges of Multiculturalism in Montenegro“. „Crna Gora na političkoj i kulturnoj mapi Evrope“. Univerzitet Crne Gore, Istorijski institut (December 2021)
- „Purity and Danger: The Social and Cultural Exclusion in the light of Environmental Issues“. 16th EASA Biennial Conference, New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe 20-24 July 2020, Virtual Lisbon conference ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
- „Towards an Inclusive Character of the Lexicion of Ethnology of Montenegro“. „Etnologija i leksikoni – iskustva, ideje“. MASA (November, 2019)
- “The Mustache in the Context of Struggle for Sexual Minority Rights in Montenegro”. ‘Reimagining Civil Society’ Conference American University of Central Asia – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (2017)
- “The Struggle over Tradition and Heritage in Controversies over the first Pride March in Montenegro”. IUAES Inter Congress: World anthropologies and privatization of knowledge: engaging anthropology in public (2016)
- “The Instrumentalization of Masculine Identity of Montenegrin Tradition in the debates about NATO membership”. Anthropological legacies and human futures. 14th EASA2016 Biennial conference. University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy (2016)
Membership in scientific and organizational committees of international conferences
- Anthropology and Family: Bio-Medical and Socio-Cultural Aspects. Comitee of Anthropology of Romanian Academy (Bucarest, May 2023)
- Anthropology in Future. Institute of Ethnography SASA (September 2022)
- Sacred Ground: Place and Space in Mythology and Religion. The International Association for Comparative Mythology 15th Annual Conference (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2022)
- Anthropology and Geriatrics: Bio-Medical and Socio-Cultural Aspects. Comitee of Anthropology of Romanian Academy (Bucarest, May 2022)
- Anthropology and Medicine in pandemic context: – biomedical and socio-cultural aspets,“Francisc I.Rainer” Symposium – 2021 , Bucharest – Romania
- Anthroplogy and Tradition: Bio-Medical and Socio-Cultural Aspects. Academia Romana, Institutul De Antropologie „Francisc I. Rainer“, Bucharest, October 2020
- Ethnology and Lexicons. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (November 2019)
Membership in editorial boards of scientific journals
2021- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA
2019- Member of the Editorial Board of the Lexicon of Ethnology of Montenegro (MASA)
Involvement in the formation of scientific staff and teaching activities
- Cultural and historical heritage of Montenegro. Faculty of Culture and Tourism. University of Donja Gorica (2017-2020);
- Creative industries (module: Intangible cultural heritage and development of local creative industries) (2018-2020);
- Cultural Heritage 5 (2020-)
- Cultural Heritage 6 (2020-)
- Ethnography of the Mediterranean (2022-)
- Multicultural Management. Vatel – International Schoold for Hospitality Management (2018-2021) (nastava na engleskom jeziku)
- “Implementing an Anthropological Research”. Estonian University of Life Sciences (April 2018, 20 teaching hours)
- Mentorship (mentorship of one master and fourteen graduate theses)
Alumni of the International Professional Exchange Program (IVLP, Department of State, USA)
2016. The Montenegrin Warrior Tradition: Questions and Controversies over NATO Membership. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 213 страна ISBN: 978–1–349–57657–9, E-PDF ISBN: 978–1–137–55228–0, DOI: 10.1057/9781137552280
2014. Pljevaljski korzo (1930-2004). Pljevlja: Zavičajni muzej
2008. Urbani humor Pljevalja. Pljevlja: Opština Pljevlja
Papers in Academic Journals and Handbooks
2022. “Džamija!“: amtropološka analiza kontroverzne dečije igre „džamije“. U „Antropologija sporta, igara i detinjstva – Zbornik radova u čast dr Aleksandra Krela (1968–2021). Ur. Žikić, Đorđević, Petrović, 111-130. Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet.
2022. Banović Branko, Ćuković Jelena, Milenković Miloš. Ekonativizam i aproprijacija zelene politike: Kontrovetrze u vezi sa otvaranjem rudnika litijuma Rio Tinto u Loznici i prestankom rada termoelektrane Pljevlja. Kritika, III (2), 229-251
2022. The Practice of Wearing Face-Masks in Montenegro: An Insight into Cross-cultural Analysis of Covid-19 Prevention Measures and Practices. In Antroplogie si Medicina, 92-107. Ed by. Kozma Andrei, Cristiany Glavce and Bălăceanu-Stolnici Constantin. Editura Academiei Române (Romanian Academy Press), Bucuresti.
2022. Postkulturna perspektiva: izazovi multikulturalizma u savremenoj Crnoj Gori (Pljevlja kao studija slučaja). U “Crna Gora na političkoj i kulturnoj mapi Evrope - Clio Map: monografija, 255-267. Univerzitet Crne Gore – Istorijski institut.
2022. Nakit od uglja: ka učitavanju novih značenja. Limes Plus, XIX (1), 109-125
2020. Montenegrin Anthropology between International Visibility and New market Fields. ,,Antropologie si management``, vol. 13, coord. A. Kozma, C. Glavce, C. Balaceanu-Stolnici, Edit. Academiei, 2020, ISBN 9 789 732 731 819, pp. 46-54.
-2019. Autori o Husein-pašinoj džamiji sa posebnim osvrtom na Vitomira Srbljanovića. U Husein-paša Boljanić i njegove zadužbine (povodom 450 godina od izgradnje Husein-pašine džamije. Urednici: Pelidija, Banović, Durgut, 173-185. Islamska zajednica Crne Gore i Zavičajni muzej Pljevlja.
2018. Trump, Montenegrins and the third world war. Anthropology Today 34 (5): 1-2;
2017. An Anthropological Perspective on Negative Attitudes toward Women and Homosexuals in Montenegro. In Reimagining Civil Society/ Antropologičeskiй vzglяd na negativnoe otnošenie k ženщinam i gomoseksualam v Černogorii . Edited by: Charles Buxton and Reina Artur Kuzy, 21-29 (English)/109-119(Russian). Bishkek: Department of Sociology, American University of Central Asia;
2017. Analiza narativne komponente modela tradicionalnog crnogorskog maskuliniteta. Istorijski zapisi 3-4, 53-67;
2016. Do Homosexuals Wear Moustaches: Controversies around the First Pride Parade in Montenegro. In Identity Destabilised: Living in an Overheated World. Edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Elisabeth Schober, 184-204. London: Pluto Press;
2015. Istorija Pljevalja: Koliko bi tek Metuzalem imao primjedbi? Glasnik Zavičajnog muzeja 10-11, 140-148;
2013. Narativna reprodukcija savremenog crnogorskog identiteta u procesu evroatlantskih integracija (II deo). Etnoantropološki problemi 8 (2), 519-537;
2012. (Dis)funkcionalni potencijal modela tradicionalnih crnogorskih rodnih odnosa u savremenim politikama identiteta. Sociologija LIV (3), 463-480;
2012. Narativna reprodukcija savremenog crnogorskog identiteta u procesu evroatlantskih integracija (I deo). Etnoantropološki problemi 7 (4), 1033-1055;
2011. Ne/mogućnost istraživanja tradicionalnog crnogorskog maskuliniteta. Antropologija 1 (11), 161-180;
2019. “Husein-paša Boljanić i njegove zadužbine (povodom 450 godina od izgradnje Husein-pašine džamije)”. Islamska zajednica Crne Gore i Zavičajni muzej Pljevlja
2019. Demografska kretanja i narodni život Srednjeg Polilja i Potarja. Nacionalni i kulturni preporod Srednjeg Polimlja i Potarja u svijetlu oslobođenja 1912. godine. Glasnik Zavičajnog muzeja 12-13
2015. Odnos istorijske demografije i političke istorije (na primeru Srednjeg Polimlja i Potarja). Istorija i tradicija (na primeru Srednjeg Polimlja i Potarja). Glasnik Zavičajnog muzeja 10-11
Presentations from selected conferences
Banovic Branko, Milenkovic Milos, Vasiljevic Jelena. „Drawing Parallels between Controversies over Shutting Down TPP Pljevlja (Montenegro) and Opening a Jadarite Mine (ie. Lithium) near the City of Loznica (Serbia)“. „17th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast
-„Purity and Danger: The Social and Cultural Exclusion in the light of Environmental Issues“. 16th EASA Biennial Conference, New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe 20-24 July 2020, Virtual Lisbon conference ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
-“The Instrumentalization of Masculine Identity of Montenegrin Tradition in the debates about NATO membership”. Anthropological legacies and human futures. 14th EASA2016 Biennial conference. University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy (2016)
-“Between Solidifying and Fracturing the Montenegrin Identity: Identity Controversies over Montenegro’s integration into the European Union and NATO”. “Nationalism, Memory and Democratic Decay in the New EU Member States and Candidate Countries” (University of Udine, Department of Legal Studies) and Jean Monnet Module “Anthropology of the European Union” (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, 2022)
-„Challenges of Lifelong Learning in Serbia: An Anthropological Perspective on Insufficient Participation of Women and Rural Populations in Lifelong Learning Programs.“ Anthropology and Geriatrics: Bio-Medical and Socio-Cultural Aspects. Comitee of Anthropology of Romanian Academy (Bucarest, May 2022)
-“The Struggle over Tradition and Heritage in Controversies over the first Pride March in Montenegro”. IUAES Inter Congress: World anthropologies and privatization of knowledge: engaging anthropology in public (2016)
-“The Mustache in the Context of Struggle for Sexual Minority Rights in Montenegro”. ‘Reimagining Civil Society’ Conference American University of Central Asia – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (2017)
-“Montenegrin Anthropology between International Visibility and New Market Fields”. Anthropology and Management. Anthropological Institute of Romanian Science Academy. “Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad Romania (2018)
-„Ka inkluzivnom karakteru Leksikona Etnologije Crne Gore“. „Etnologija i leksikoni – iskustva, ideje“. Crnogorska Akademija Nauma i Umjetnosti. Novembar 2019. godine
-„Autori o Husein-pašinoj džamiji sa posebni osvrtom na Vitomira Srbljanovića“. „Husein-paša Boljanić i njegove zadužbine (povodom 450 godina od izgradnje Husein-pašine džamije)“. Islamska zajednica Crne Gore i Zavičajni muzej Pljevlja, Jun 2019
-Branko Banović, Miloš Milenković. „Postkulturna perspektiva: Izazovi multikulturalizma u savremenoj Crnoj Gori.“ „Crna Gora na političkoj i kulturnoj mapi Evrope“. Univerzitet Crne Gore, Istorijski institut (Podgorica, decembar 2021)
-Nakit od uglja: ka učitavanju novih značenja. Međunarodna multidisciplinarna stručna konferencija po pozivu „Kulturne i kreativne industrije & baština: potencijali i izazovi“. Društvo za kulturni razvoj BAUO (Petrovac na moru, mart 2022)