Ever since it was founded, and especially over the last decade, the Institute of Ethnography nurtures a vibrant tradition of cooperation with other scientific and cultural institutions, both nationally and internationally. The results of this cooperation can be seen in the intensive program of exchange of researchers, organization of international conferences with the involvement of scientists from many different disciplines and the organization of projects of regional institutional connecting, which is a significant contribution to the comparative perspective on viewing cultural changes in Serbia and the neighboring countries.
The collaboration between the Institute of Ethnography and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is a continuing success: Academicians actively participate in projects and governing bodies of the Institute – the Scientific council and the Editing council, and over the last couple of years on the Governing council as well. Since 2001 the cooperation has been intensified and significantly enriched by the selfless participation of Academicians Dimitrije Stefаnović, Vojislаv Stаnovčić and Gojko Subotić in the Governing council.
Their aid in contacts with the SASA is invaluable. Contacts have also been intensified with the president of the SASA, the Department of social sciences, the Council for international cooperation, as well as with individual Academicians. The Institute of Ethnography also cooperates with similar institutions across Serbia. An especially fruitful cooperation exits between the Institute and the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as the Ethnographic and National Museums in Belgrade and various other museums across Serbia.
Through the activities of certain members and researchers and with the support of SASA, the Institute of Ethnography has, since 2011, become part of the project of the application of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible heritage of the Republic of Serbia.
With the aim of advancement of its publishing endeavor, the popularization of science and the extending of its circle of readers, the Institute has been cooperating with the Public corporation "Službeni glаsnik" since 2011.
The Institute of Ethnography also collaborates with foreign cultural centers: German, Italian and Russian.
The vibrant international collaboration of the Institute of Ethnography SASA is also realized through international projects, study visits and participation in international conferences.
In 2008 the Institute of Ethnography SASA initiated collaboration with the Serbian Internet library for the humanities and arts http://ibis.mi.sanu.ac.rs. The aim of the IBiS is the presentation of Serbian scientific and cultural heritage and contemporary production within the humanities and related disciplines to a wider audience – professional and scientific, domestic and international. IBiS represents a digital collection of open source scientific papers, organized in accordance with the international standards of European digital libraries.