Nauka, religija, ideologija

Šel Magnuson, Aleksandra Pavićević

Nauka, religija, ideologija

Year: 2024.

Refleksije o vizantijskoj muzici. Mali uvod u svet pojačke umetnosti.

Gordana Blagojević

Refleksije o vizantijskoj muzici. Mali uvod u svet pojačke umetnosti.

Year: 2024.

Nevidljivi heroji Grčke

Gordana Blagojević

Nevidljivi heroji Grčke

Year: 2024.

The Culture of All or Culture for All

Nina Aksić

The Culture of All or Culture for All

Year: 2023.

SMS i viber poruka

Milina Ivanović Barišić

SMS i viber poruka

Year: 2023.

Serbs in Romania. Tome II

Milina Ivanović Barišić, Đorđina Trubarac Matić, Bojana Bogdanović

Serbs in Romania. Tome II

Year: 2022.

Serbs in Romania. Tome 1. Ethnological research and synthesis: heritage, culture, origin

Ivica Todorović, Nina Aksić

Serbs in Romania. Tome 1. Ethnological research and synthesis: heritage, culture, origin

Year: 2022.

Imagined homeland: clubs, identity and integration of Serbian guest workers in Vienna

Miloš Rašić

Imagined homeland: clubs, identity and integration of Serbian guest workers in Vienna

Year: 2022.

Love threads: сoncepts of love in European and Serbian culture

Ivana Bašić

Love threads: сoncepts of love in European and Serbian culture

Year: 2021.

The European Border Regime and the Externalization of  the EU Border Control: Serbia on the Balkan Migration Route

Marta Stojić Mitrović

The European Border Regime and the Externalization of the EU Border Control: Serbia on the Balkan Migration Route

Year: 2021.

Funerary practices in Serbia

Aleksandra Pavićević

Funerary practices in Serbia

Year: 2021.

Kosmologic: contextualisation of popular cosmology

Milan Tomašević

Kosmologic: contextualisation of popular cosmology

Year: 2020.

Antiquity and myth

Lada Stevanović

Antiquity and myth

Year: 2020.

We never cut ties with Gora: ethnicity, community and transmigrations of Gorani people in Belgrade

Jadranka Đorđević Crnobrnja

We never cut ties with Gora: ethnicity, community and transmigrations of Gorani people in Belgrade

Year: 2020.

Dreams of past and tradition: Olga Benson

Ljiljana Gavrilović, Biljana Milenković-Vuković

Dreams of past and tradition: Olga Benson

Year: 2019.

The anthropology of city: the political construction of space

Bojana Bogdanović

The anthropology of city: the political construction of space

Year: 2019.

In the round dance of the deer

Đorđina Trubarac Matić

In the round dance of the deer

Year: 2019.

Ethnicity in a post-war region: the Serbian community of southeast Kosovo

Sanja Zlatanović

Ethnicity in a post-war region: the Serbian community of southeast Kosovo

Year: 2018.

Our daily Gusle

Đorđina Trubarac Matić

Our daily Gusle

Year: 2018.

Ethnology and anthropology: 70 selected terms

Ed. LJiljana Gavrilović

Ethnology and anthropology: 70 selected terms

Year: 2017.

Clothing in Belgrade vicinity: in the second half of 19th and first half of 20th century

Milina Ivanović Barišić

Clothing in Belgrade vicinity: in the second half of 19th and first half of 20th century

Year: 2017.

Ethnic symbols and migrations: Serbian communities in USA and Canada

Miroslаvа Lukić Krstаnović, Mirjana Pavlović

Ethnic symbols and migrations: Serbian communities in USA and Canada

Year: 2016.

Fiery bodies: burning dead in Serbia - from pagan ritual to modern cremation

Aleksandra Pavićević

Fiery bodies: burning dead in Serbia - from pagan ritual to modern cremation

Year: 2016.

Images in words

Ivana Bašić

Images in words

Year: 2016.

Realer than reality: anthropology of Azeroth

Ljiljana Gavrilović

Realer than reality: anthropology of Azeroth

Year: 2016.

From Mystery to Spectacle: essays on death in Serbia from the 19th-21st century

Aleksandra Pavićević

From Mystery to Spectacle: essays on death in Serbia from the 19th-21st century

Year: 2015.

Mediterranean advice from an expert story teller

Dragana Radojičić

Mediterranean advice from an expert story teller

Year: 2015.

Kosovo and Metohija in the publications of the Ethnographic Institute of SANU (1951–1998)

Ed. Dragana Radojičić

Kosovo and Metohija in the publications of the Ethnographic Institute of SANU (1951–1998)

Year: 2014.

Belgrade odonyms

Srđan Radović

Belgrade odonyms

Year: 2014.

We are Germans

Аleksandar Krel

We are Germans

Year: 2013.

The Moon grammar

Ivana Bašić

The Moon grammar

Year: 2013.

Serbs in Temisoara

Mirjana Pavlović

Serbs in Temisoara

Year: 2012.

Serbs in Thessaloniki in the first half of the 20th century

Gordаnа Blаgojević

Serbs in Thessaloniki in the first half of the 20th century

Year: 2012.

Dialogues at the dining table: anthropological monograph on food culture

Drаgаnа Rаdojičić

Dialogues at the dining table: anthropological monograph on food culture

Year: 2012.

Music slang of the youth and молодежный музыкальный sleng: a comparative view

Sofijа Milorаdović

Music slang of the youth and молодежный музыкальный sleng: a comparative view

Year: 2012.

Inheritance: in between customs and law

Jаdrаnkа Đorđević Crnobrnjа

Inheritance: in between customs and law

Year: 2011.

All our worlds: about anthropology, science fiction and fantasy

LJiljаnа Gаvrilović

All our worlds: about anthropology, science fiction and fantasy

Year: 2011.

Time of/without death

Aleksаndrа Pаvićević

Time of/without death

Year: 2011.

Twentieth century spectacle: music and power

Miroslаvа Lukić-Krstаnović

Twentieth century spectacle: music and power

Year: 2010.

The holly structure: in search for a unique foundation of cultural phenomena

Ivicа Todorović

The holly structure: in search for a unique foundation of cultural phenomena

Year: 2009.

The Kopaonik speech: ethnogeographical and cultural approaches

Prvoslаv Rаdić

The Kopaonik speech: ethnogeographical and cultural approaches

Year: 2009.

Laughing at the funeral: gender and anthropology in the Greek funerary rites

Lada Stevanović

Laughing at the funeral: gender and anthropology in the Greek funerary rites

Year: 2009.

Anthropology of Science Fiction: a tradition in genre literature

Ivаn Đorđević

Anthropology of Science Fiction: a tradition in genre literature

Year: 2009.

Images of Europe: research of representations of Europe and Serbia in early 2000s

Srđаn Rаdović

Images of Europe: research of representations of Europe and Serbia in early 2000s

Year: 2009.

Death and the other world in curses

Lаstа Đаpović

Death and the other world in curses

Year: 2009.

On politics, identities and other museum's stories

LJiljаnа Gаvrilović

On politics, identities and other museum's stories

Year: 2009.

Making the intangible tangible: the new interface of cultural heritage

Dragana Rusalić

Making the intangible tangible: the new interface of cultural heritage

Year: 2009.

(N)either here (n)or there: ethnic identity among Serbs in Hungary in late XX century

Mlаdenа Prelić

(N)either here (n)or there: ethnic identity among Serbs in Hungary in late XX century

Year: 2008.

Images from Boka

Drаgаnа Rаdojičić

Images from Boka

Year: 2008.

Life of Serbs in Goraždevac

Miletа Bukumirić

Life of Serbs in Goraždevac

Year: 2007.

Culture in show-window: toward a new museology

LJiljаnа Gаvrilović

Culture in show-window: toward a new museology

Year: 2007.

Calendar holidays and customs in villages at the footstool of the Avala mountain

Milinа Ivаnović-Bаrišić

Calendar holidays and customs in villages at the footstool of the Avala mountain

Year: 2007.

Urban family and tradition in the eighties of the 20th century in Serbia

Nikolа Pаntelić

Urban family and tradition in the eighties of the 20th century in Serbia

Year: 2007.

Ideologies at work: marriage, family and sexual morality in Serbia in the second half of 20th century

Aleksаndrа Pаvićević

Ideologies at work: marriage, family and sexual morality in Serbia in the second half of 20th century

Year: 2006.

In between the cultures of East and West

Drаgаnа Rаdojičić

In between the cultures of East and West

Year: 2006.

A Yugoslav ethnographer Nikola Arsenović

LJiljаnа Gаvrilović

A Yugoslav ethnographer Nikola Arsenović

Year: 2006.

Serbs in California

Gordаnа Blаgojević

Serbs in California

Year: 2005.

The ritual of the mind

Ivicа Todorović

The ritual of the mind

Year: 2005.

Costumes from the Balkan Peninsula: the fine arts of Nikola Arsenović

LJiljаnа Gаvrilović

Costumes from the Balkan Peninsula: the fine arts of Nikola Arsenović

Year: 2004.

Gypsy narratives: from poverty to culture

Jelena Čvorović

Gypsy narratives: from poverty to culture

Year: 2004.

The use of case forms in the speech of Paraćinsko Pomoravlje

Sofijа Milorаdović

The use of case forms in the speech of Paraćinsko Pomoravlje

Year: 2003.

The traditional and the contemporary in the culture of the Serbs

Ed. Drаgаnа Rаdojičić

The traditional and the contemporary in the culture of the Serbs

Year: 2003.

The wedding - a story of identity: Vranje and its surroundings

Sаnjа Zlаtаnović

The wedding - a story of identity: Vranje and its surroundings

Year: 2003.

Customs of life-cycle in urban surrounding

Ed. Zorica Divac

Customs of life-cycle in urban surrounding

Year: 2001.

The kinship in the region of Vranje

Jadranka Đorđević

The kinship in the region of Vranje

Year: 2001.

Popular and Church Marriage in Serbian Rural Society

Aleksandra Pavićević

Popular and Church Marriage in Serbian Rural Society

Year: 2000.

Ethnic relations between the Serbs and other peoples and ethnic communities

Nikola Pantelić

Ethnic relations between the Serbs and other peoples and ethnic communities

Year: 1998.

Serbian mythological dictionary

Š. Kulišić, P. Ž. Petrović, N. Pаntelić

Serbian mythological dictionary

Year: 1998.

Ethnic and ethno-cultural contacts in the Pannonian-Carpathian area

Ed. Nikola Pantelić

Ethnic and ethno-cultural contacts in the Pannonian-Carpathian area

Year: 1997.

Anthropology of Edmund Leach

Bojаn Žikić

Anthropology of Edmund Leach

Year: 1997.

Gornje Drаgаčevo: ethnological research of the cultural changes

Desаnkа Nikolić

Gornje Drаgаčevo: ethnological research of the cultural changes

Year: 1996.

Population and settlements of the Raška's community functioning in economic developments

Radoslav D. Pavlović

Population and settlements of the Raška's community functioning in economic developments

Year: 1995.

Earth: beliefs and rituals

Lаstа Đаpović

Earth: beliefs and rituals

Year: 1995.

Gornja sela - villages and population

Mirko Raičević

Gornja sela - villages and population

Year: 1994.

Population in Prokuplje

Vujadin Rudić

Population in Prokuplje

Year: 1992.

Serbs in Canada: life and symbols of identity

Miroslаvа Lukić-Krstаnović

Serbs in Canada: life and symbols of identity

Year: 1992.

Ethnological research of the region of Užice

Ed. Nikola Pantelić

Ethnological research of the region of Užice

Year: 1992.

Village social life in the regions of Čačak and Gornji Milanovac

Nikolа Pаntelić

Village social life in the regions of Čačak and Gornji Milanovac

Year: 1991.

Youth subculture in Belgrade: symbolic practice

Ines Prica

Youth subculture in Belgrade: symbolic practice

Year: 1991.

The Meaning of Serbian Fairy Tales

Dragana Antonijević

The Meaning of Serbian Fairy Tales

Year: 1991.

Les musiques popularies a la province Titovo Užice

Dimitrije Golemović

Les musiques popularies a la province Titovo Užice

Year: 1990.

Les dances popularies et les amusements a la province Titovo Užice

Oliverа Vаsić

Les dances popularies et les amusements a la province Titovo Užice

Year: 1990.

Serbs in Chicago: problem of ethnic identity

Mirjana Pavlović

Serbs in Chicago: problem of ethnic identity

Year: 1990.

The family in the system of traditional and modern institutions regarding the social customs of the people of Rađevina

Vidosаvа Nikolić-Stojаnčević

The family in the system of traditional and modern institutions regarding the social customs of the people of Rađevina

Year: 1989.

La creation traditionelle popularie orale de la region de Užice

Rаdoslаv – Rаde Poznаnović

La creation traditionelle popularie orale de la region de Užice

Year: 1988.

Colonization and life of Polish population in Yugoslav countries

Dušаn Drljаčа

Colonization and life of Polish population in Yugoslav countries

Year: 1985.

Toplicа: ethnic processes and traditional culture

Vidosаvа Nikolić-Stojаnčević

Toplicа: ethnic processes and traditional culture

Year: 1985.

Tutin and its surroundings

Ejup Mušović

Tutin and its surroundings

Year: 1985.

Rаškа: etudes anthropogeographiques I

Petаr Ž. Petrović

Rаškа: etudes anthropogeographiques I

Year: 1984.

Changes of the traditional family life in Serbia and Poland

Ed. Petar Vlahović

Changes of the traditional family life in Serbia and Poland

Year: 1982.

The Aborigines of Australia

Ed. Petar Vlahović

The Aborigines of Australia

Year: 1982.

The agrarian magic in the Srbian traditional culture

Brаnko Ćupurdijа

The agrarian magic in the Srbian traditional culture

Year: 1982.

Social and cultural changes in the villages of the Vlach ethnical community in the region of Negotinska krajina

Miloš Mаrjаnović

Social and cultural changes in the villages of the Vlach ethnical community in the region of Negotinska krajina

Year: 1981.

Volkslieder und tanze in der umgebung von Bujanovac

Ed. Petar Vlahović

Volkslieder und tanze in der umgebung von Bujanovac

Year: 1980.

Central Polimlje and Potarje regions

Žаrko Šćepаnović

Central Polimlje and Potarje regions

Year: 1979.

Ethnic processes and ethnic composition of the population of Novi Pazar

Ejup Mušović

Ethnic processes and ethnic composition of the population of Novi Pazar

Year: 1979.

Bаčko Dobro Polje: montagnards dans la plaine

Ed. Obren Blagojević

Bаčko Dobro Polje: montagnards dans la plaine

Year: 1979.

Population de Toplice

Vujаdin B. Rudić

Population de Toplice

Year: 1978.

The oath on the territory of Yugoslavia

Lasta Đapović

The oath on the territory of Yugoslavia

Year: 1977.

Etude ethnologiqe des changements contemporains dans la culture populaire

Ed. Milorad Vasović

Etude ethnologiqe des changements contemporains dans la culture populaire

Year: 1974.

The "Kolo" dance of the south Slavs

Oliverа Mlаdenović

The "Kolo" dance of the south Slavs

Year: 1973.

Les peuples de Yougoslavie

Ed. Dušan Nedeljković

Les peuples de Yougoslavie

Year: 1965.

Milenа, joueuse de guzla

Drаgoslаv Antonijević

Milenа, joueuse de guzla

Year: 1960.

Une douzaine de chansons popularies provenant de Skoplje en Bosnie

Fehim Bаrjаktаrević

Une douzaine de chansons popularies provenant de Skoplje en Bosnie

Year: 1960.

Recueil manuscrit des chansons de Dušаnа Tomаšević – Ćirko

Petаr Š. Vlаhović

Recueil manuscrit des chansons de Dušаnа Tomаšević – Ćirko

Year: 1960.

Terminologie de la societe organisee en tribus au Montenegro

Vаsа Čubrilović

Terminologie de la societe organisee en tribus au Montenegro

Year: 1959.

A contribution to the study of the survival of ritual dances in Jugoslavia

LJubicа i Dаnicа S. Jаnković

A contribution to the study of the survival of ritual dances in Jugoslavia

Year: 1957.

Organization des tribus Dinariqus

Sreten V. Vukosаvljević

Organization des tribus Dinariqus

Year: 1957.

Les Serbes dans le Banat: jusqu'a la fin du DIX-huitieme siecle

Dušаn J. Popović

Les Serbes dans le Banat: jusqu'a la fin du DIX-huitieme siecle

Year: 1955.

Pаnčevаčki rit: recherches de geographie humaine

Vlаdimir R. Đurić

Pаnčevаčki rit: recherches de geographie humaine

Year: 1953.

Uber die grundstucksgrenzen bei den Serben

Mirko Bаrjаktаrović

Uber die grundstucksgrenzen bei den Serben

Year: 1952.

Les Serbes a Bačka jusqu'a la fin du DIX-huitieme siecle

Dušаn J. Popović

Les Serbes a Bačka jusqu'a la fin du DIX-huitieme siecle

Year: 1952.

Primitive ceramics made by women among the Balkan peoples

Milenko S. Filipović

Primitive ceramics made by women among the Balkan peoples

Year: 1951.

Serbs in Srem until 1736/7: history of settlements and population

Dušаn J. Popović

Serbs in Srem until 1736/7: history of settlements and population

Year: 1950.