Aleksandra Pavićević
Funerary practices in Serbia
Year: 2021.
The monograph “Funeral Practices in Serbia” is part of a series of publications on the topic of funeral practices in different European countries published by the British publishing house "Emerald Publishing House".
The publication can be ordered at the following link: Emerald: Title Detail: Funerary Practices in Serbia by Aleksandra Pavićević (emeraldinsight.com)
Unlike previous books by Aleksandra Pavićević, PhD, who has been studying anthropology of death for a number of years, Funeral Practices is “free from“, or even lacking philosophical thinking and anthropological interpretations. For those readers who know nothing about Serbia, and especially this topic, it was necessary to provide a factographic diachronic-synchronic description of the way death and everything related to it were “organized“, that is, put into the framework of institutionalized social mechanisms. For those reasons, the author, after giving a historical and ethnological perspective, demonstrates the functioning of the contemporary system of funeral practices. The special value of this publication represents the following of this thread, the traditional approach to death, a thread that leads to the present day. Different official institutions, from the state and local municipalities to funeral companies, largely accept the inherited forms, which are still present in the collective perception of death, dying and funeral ritual.