
Aleksаndrа Pаvićević
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Principal Research Fellow
Spheres of interest: anthropology of religion, death studies, marriage, family, law, politics of science, literature.
- 1988 Finished classic gymnasium
- 1989 – 1990 Studied world literature, ethnology and anthropology
- 1995 Graduated at Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
- 1998 received MA degree in ethnology and anthropology: “Folk and Church Marriage in Serbian Rural Society”
- 2005 received PhD degree in ethnology and anthropology:”Marriage and Family Life in Northern Shumadia in the Second Half on 20th Century”
- 1993 – 2010 worked at National Radio Station as author of articles for broad casting with ethnological themes.
- 2000 – … works in Institute of Ethnography od Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- 2011–2019 leader of the project: Identity Strategies: Contemporary Culture and Religiosity
- 2019 – Leads project of bilateral cooperation between Institute of Ethnography SASA and Institute of Ethnology of Slovak Academy of Science: “Cultural Identities in Slovakia and Serbia. Do we still live in post-socialism?”
- 2014 Leader of the project: Digitalization and Presentation of Video Archive of Institute of Ethnography SASA in the period between 1903–1939. Part of dr Radivoje Simonović Collection.
Scientific conferences, meetings and study visits
- Participated at a number of scientific conferences
- President of program and organization committee for international round table: Challenges for Social Sciences and Humanities: Post- disciplinarity and Market (3.10. 2012, Belgrade)
- President of program and organization committee for international conference: Is reconciliation possible in the Balkans? (30–31. 10 2014). Organized in cooperation with Conrad Adenauer Stiftung.
- 2013 Study visit in Uppsala University, in Hugo Valentine Center.
Teaching activities
- Held a number of lectures in Belgrade, Petnica, Sweden, Romania, Poland
- 2016–2018 Teaches Anthropology of Religion at master course: Religion in Serbia. Society, Culture and European Integrations
- 2014 – 2016 hired as a lecturer by invitation at Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade University
- 2011 University opponent at Uppsala University ( Sweden)
- 2002–2003 Teaches ethnology in Secondary Musical School: Mokranjac
Editorial engagement
- Edited several collections and issues of Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA and Collection of Matica Srpska for Social Sciences
- 2008– 2010 Editor of Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology
Other activities
- Since 2010 – 2018 President of Scientific Board in Institute of Ethnography
- Member of editorial board of Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography and Matica Srpska Journal of Social Sciences
- 2017 – … Member of Managing Board of Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade and Institute of New History of Serbia
- 2018 – … Member of Managing Board of Institute for Recent History of Serbia, in Belgrade
- 2008–2010 – President of Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society
- Since 2018 vice president of Association of Researchers of Humanities Institutes
- Member of INASEA (International Association for South East European Anthropology)
- Member of editorial board of Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA and Matica Srpska Journal for Social Sciences
- Member of selection committee of 25. International Festival of Ethnological Film
- Member of jury of 26. International Festival of Ethnological Film
- Writes columns for daily newspaper “Politika”
- Sings in female vocal group MOBA which performs Serbian traditional songs
Selected Bibliography
Published books:
- 2001. Narodni i crkveni brak u srpskom seoskom društvu. (Folk and Church Marriage in Serbian Rural Society) Posebna izdanja Etnografskog instituta 46.
- 2006. Na udaru ideologija. Brak, porodica i polni moral u Srbiji u drugoj polovini 20. veka. (Ideologies at Work. Marriage, Family and Sexual Morality in Serbia in the second half of 20th Century) Posebna izdanja Etnografskog instituta 57. (Summary available in English: http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/eng/monografije/57.php
- 2011. Vreme (bez)smrti. Predstave o smrti u Srbiji od 19–21. veka. (Time with or without Death. Notions about Deat in Serbia from 19 – 21st Century). Posebna izdanja Etnografskog instituta 74. (Summary available in English: http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/eng/monografije/73.php
- 2015. (Book is completely in English) From Mystery to Spectacle. Essays on Death in Serbia from the 19th -21st Century. Institute of Ethnography, Special Editions 83. http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/eng/monografije/83.php
- 2016. Plamena tela. Spalјivanje mrtvih u Srbiji, od paganskog rituala do moderne kremacije. (Fiery Bodies. Burning Dead in Serbia – from Pagan ritual to Modern Cremation). Clio i Etnografski institut: Posebna izdanja 86. (Summary available at: http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/eng/monografije/86.php
- 2021. Funerary Practices in Serbia. Emerald Publishing House, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-1-78769-182-7 (Print); 978-1-78769-179-7 (Online); 978-1-78769-181-0 (Epub).
Edited collections of papers:
- 2009. (available only in Serbian) “ Places of Memories – History and Remembering.” Institute of Ethnography: Collection of Papers 26. http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/files/zbornik/26.pdf
- 2013. “Faces of Death. Pop stars, Partisans, Writers and Common People”. Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA LXI/1. http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/eng/gei/61_1.php
- 2013. Social Sciences and Humanities facing Chalenges of postdisciplinarity and Market. Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA LXI/2. 2013http://www.ei.sanu.ac.rs/index.php/gei/issue/view/19
- 2014. “Religion, Religiosity and Contemporary Culture. From mystical to irrational and vs.” Institute of Ethnography: Collection of Papers 30. http://www.etno-institut.co.rs/eng/zbornik/30.php
- 2017. Art, Religion, Identity. Road signs of History. Matica Srpska Journal of Social Sciences, No.164. Novi Sad http://www.maticasrpska.org.rs/stariSajt/casopisi/ZMSDN_164.pdf
Plenary Lecture:
- Are Death Scholars Afraid of Dying? Geographical, professional, thematic and personal background of contemporary death studies. Key note lecture at Conference “Death, Dying and Disposal of Body. Eastern and Western Ways of Dying and Death.” Alba Iulia 2-6 September 2015. http://death-studies.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Abstract_Pavicevic.pdf
Articles in Journals:
- Wedding Act in Serbia in the Light of Social Changes, Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA L-LI, Belgrade, 2003, 79-86
- Eine neue Migrationtype, in: (ed.) Ulf Brunnbauer, Serbia und Monte Negro,Wohin jetz?, Ost West gegen Informationen, Gratz, 2003, 39-41.
- Ambiguity of Integration Processes: the Serbs in Greece, National Identity of the New Immigrants, Ethnologia Balkanica 8,Sofia, Muenster, New York, 2004, 103-115.
- Identitet etnologije i neostvarenost antropologije (Identity of Ethnology and Unaccomplishness of Anthropology) in: Collection of Papers: Anthropology: Condition and Perspectives, ed. Ljiljana Gavrilović, Belgrade, 2005, 163-172.
- Ideologija slobode i polni moral(Ideology of Liberty and Sexual Morality) in: Everyday Life in Post socialism in Bulgaria and Serbia, Collection (ed.) Radost Ivanova Sophia, 2005, 116-123.
- Šta radi i gde sedi Beli Anđeo?( What The White Angel Does and Where He Sits?), Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA L-LI, Belgrade 2005, 187-194.
- Cremation as New Age Urban Phenomenon, Urban Life and Culture in Southeast Europe, Belgrade, Ethnologia Balkanica 10, 2006, 251-262.
- ,,Sloboda“ od roditelja, Život savremene omladine u Srbiji u svetlu procesa demokratizacije društva (Freedom from Parents – Life of Serbian Youth in the Light of Society Democratization Processes , (ed.) Zorica Divac Collection of Papers of Ethnographic Institute SASA 22, Belgrade, 2006, 255-265.
- Огњено сахрањивање- Рана историја модерног спаљивања мртвих (Fire Burial- Early History of modern Cremation). In: Private Lige among Serbs in 19th Century, (eds.) Ana Stolić, Nenad Mahuljević, clio Belgrade 2006, 984-999.
- ,,Друштво Огањ за спаљивање мртваца у Београду“ Развој, идеје и симболи,(“Oganj Society for Burning Deads in Belgrade“), Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA LIV Београд, 2006, 289-303.
- Последња тајна (The Last Mistery), In: Private Life in Serbia in 20th century, (ed.) Milan Ristović, Clio, Belgrade, 2007, 912-923
- Друштвена политика према породици. Подруштвљавање или крај једне историјске форме?(Social Politics Towards Family – Socialization or The End of Historical Form?), Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA LV 2007, 115-125.
- „Мужской вопрос“ во второй половине XX в. эмансипация или маргинализация?, (“Male Question” in the Second Half of 20th Century, Emancipation or Marginalization?),Антроплогические исследования ученых России и Сербии, Институт этнологии и антропологии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая Российской академии наук, Россйский университет дружбы народов, ред. М. Ю. Мартынова, Д. Радойичич, с. 1-349, Москва 2008, 241-253.
- Socialization of Family, Support or Control, Collection of Papers from regional Symposium:Social Behavior and Family Strategies in the Balkans (16th-20th cent), (eds.) Ionela Baluta, Vintila Ghitulescu and Mihai Razvan, New European College, Bucharest 2008, 345-360.
- Sveta smrt Slobodana Miloševića, Antropološki esej, (Sacred Death of Slobodan Milosevic – Essay in Anthropology). In:Collection of Papers of Ethnographic Institute SASA 25, (ed.) Zorica Divac, Belgrade 2008, 147-157.
- Time With or Without Death. Researching Death in Serbian Ethnology during the Second Half of 20th Century, Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography LVI, No.2, Belgrade 2008, 23-34.
- Death in Foreign Land, Entering and Exiting the Serbian Emigrant`s World, in: Ulf Brunnbauer (ed.), Transnational Societies, Transteritorial Politics, Migrations in the (Post)Yugoslav Area 19th-21st Century, R.Oldenbourg Verlag Muenchen, 2009, 235-248.
- Welcoming Home the Dead: Exhumation and Reburial of Famous Deceased in Serbia.In: Marius Rotar and Adriana Teodorescu (eds), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2011,160-181.
- Aleksandra Pavićević, “Soul of Dandelion”. Religion, death and politics in the public address on the occasion of seeing off the body and funeral of Patriarch Pavle, Ethnologia Balkanica 16 2012, 193–207. ISSN 1111-0411
- Aleksandra Pavićević, Audit culture and its reflection on the content and concept of ethnological-anthropological research in Serbia, Cesky Lid 2011, 227-238.
- Aleksandra Pavićević, Which Identities are avaliable for Us? Or: In Search of the Human. In: Pero Petrović, Milovan Radaković (eds) National and European Identity in the Process of European Integration, International Conference held in Belgrade 27-28. juna 2012. Beograd 2013, 55–72.
- Pavićević, Aleksandra 2013. Why was the Writer Cremated? Thanato-Anthropological Aspects of Deathand Fun eral of Yugoslav literate Ivo Andrić, Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU LXI, 29–41.
- Aleksandra Pavićević, Editorial: Social Sciences and Humanities: Facing the Challenges of Post disciplinarity and Market. Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA LXI/2 2013, 9–10.
- Aleksandra Pavićević , New Eva`s rebellion. Woman`s Issues and transformation of Marriage and Family in Serbia during second half of 20th century. Историја 20. века . Год.31, бр.2, стр. 165–181.
- Од муње до праха. Смрт, сахрана и посмртна судбина Николе Тесле. (From Lighting to Dust. Death, Funeral and Postmortem Destiny of Nikola Tesla) Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA. LXII/2. Belgrade 2014, 125–138.
- El Ángel Blanco. Desde Heraldo de la Resurrección hasta Portador de Fortuna. Comercialización del Arte Religioso en la Serbia post-comunista. Cuaderno 52, Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación.Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación. Universidad de Palermo. Buenos Aires, 2014, 327-336.
- Vesna Vučinić i Aleksandra Pavićević, Serbia. In: Klaus Roth (ed),Changing Paradigms. The State of the Ethnological Sciences in Southeast Europe. Ethnologia Balkanica 17. 358 – 369. 2014/2015.
- Поруке (о) мртвом писцу: oбликовање сећања и Књига жалости поводом смрти Иве Андрића. (Messages about/to Dead Writer: Shaping Memories and Book of Sorrow for death of Ivo Andrić) Свеске Задужбине Иве Андрића 32, Београд 2015, 307-323
- Нека питања дисциплинарног уобличавања танатологије. Етнолошко-антрополошке перспективе (Some issues of Thanatology as Scientific Discipline. Ethnological and Anthropological Perspecrives). Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA. LXIV (1). Београд, 2016, 179–191.
- Весници и сведоци. Песници српског романтизма – између неопаганизма, религије нације и губитка вере (Heralds and Witnesses. Serbian Poets of Romanticism – from neopaganism, religion of the nation to loosing the faith.). Matica Srpska Journal for Social Sciences 2017/4.
- Александра Павићевић, Гордана Благојевић. Од електроакустичке музике до византијског појања и vice versa: Владимир Јовановић, композитор. (From Electroacoustic Music to Byzantine Chanting: Vladimir Jovanović, composer). Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 13 (2), 327–344. 2018
- Mirrors of death: Can we defend authenticity from “reality”? Kultura 166, 2020, 143–153.
- A minute’s silence: the development of modern cremation in the European communist countries. Mortality. 2021. ISSN 1469-9885; Doi 10.1080/13576275.2021.1909235
Papers published in collections (in foreign languages):
- „Мужской вопрос“ во второй половине XX в. эмансипация или маргинализация?, Антроплогические исследования ученых России и Сербии. Институт этнологии и антропологии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая Российской академии наук, Россйский университет дружбы народов, ред. М. Ю. Мартынова, Д. Радойичич, с. 1-349, Москва 2008, 241-253
- Socialisation of Family, Support or Control. In: Ionela Baluta, Constanta Vintila Ghitulescu, Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, (eds.),Social Behaviour and Family Strategies in the Balkans (16th-20th cent), Bucurest ,New European College.2008, 345-360.
- Death in Foreign Land, Entering and Exiting the Serbian Emigrant`s World. In: Ulf Brunnbauer (ed.), Transnational Societies, Transteritorial Politics, Migrations in the (Post)Yugoslav Area 19th-21st Century. R.Oldenbourg Verlag Muenchen, 2009, 235-248.
- Welcoming Home the Dead: Exhumation and Reburial of Famous Deceased in Serbia.In: Marius Rotar and Adriana Teodorescu (eds), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2011, 160-181.
- Which Identities are avaliable for Us? Or: In Search of the Human. In: Pero Petrović, Milovan radaković (eds) National and European Identity in the Process of European Integration.Beograd 2013:55–72.
- Diving into the Silence. Death and Funeral in Serbia at the beginning of third Millennium. In: Marius Rotar, Adriana Teodorescu and Corina Rotar (eds.), Dying and Death in 18-21 Century Europe. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Second Volume, 2014: 85–110.
- Aleksandra Pavicevic, Przeżywamy czy symulujemy tradycję? Esej na temat etyki i zaangażowania. Weronika Grozdew-Kołacińska i Bartłomiej Drozd (red), Śpiew tradycyjny – modele edukacji. Doświadczenia serbskie i polskie. ISBN: 978-83-64375-24-8. Lublin 2017.
- Aleksandra Pavićević 2019. Traveling Through the Battle Fields. The Cult of Bogorodica in Serbian Tradition and Contemporary Times. In: Tatiana Zachar Podolinska (ed) Traces of the Virgin Mary in Post-Communist Europe. Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Bratislava, 234–249. ISBN 978-80-224-1782-2