
Bojana Bogdanović
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Senior Research Associate
Fields of interest: urban anthropology, political anthropology, collective identities, the culture of remembrance, protection and presentation of cultural heritage.
Education / Qualifications
2023 Senior Research Associate, Institute of Ethnography SASA
2018 Research Associate, Institute of Ethnography SASA
2013 Acquired the position of Senior Curator
2011 PhD in Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2008 MPhil in Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2004 Acquired the position of Curator
2003 BA in Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2017 Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade
2004/2017 “Old Village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
Research projects
2022/2023 Supporting the delivery of a Transformative Grassroots Leadership Training in Serbia (World Bank and Institute of Ethnography SASA)
2023 Living in the age of permanent crisis (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum BAS & Institute of Ethnography SASA)
2020 / 2022 Age and Generations in Serbia and Bulgaria: Anthropological studies (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum BAS & Institute of Ethnography SASA)
2021 The village of Čelebić: field research, archiving and ethno-anthropological analysis of the tangible and intangible heritage of the Serbian population in the Republic of Srpska (Institute of Ethnography SASA and Museum of the Republika Srpska).
2021 Different Identities and Functions of Urban Space: A Comparative Study of the Circumstances in Belgrade and Athens (Institute of Ethnography SASA and Laboratory for Folklore and Social Anthropology, Department of History and Ethnology, Demokritus University of Thrace (Republic of Greece))
2018 - Research regarding the History and Culture of Serbs in Romania, Scientific Center of the Association of Serbs in Romania (Timisoara)
2017 / 2019 Cultural Heritage and Identity (MPNT RS 177026), Institute of Ethnography SASA
2006/2012 Fashion in Socialism- Examples of the hand-made knit-work of Sirogojno (“Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno and the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade)
Conferences, workshops and study visits
2022 IX International Scientific Conference Material and Spiritual Culture of Serbs in Multiethnic Environments and/or Peripheral Areas, Timisoara (Romania)
2021 International Scientific Conference Different Identities and Functions of Urban Space: A Comparative Study of the Circumstances in Belgrade and Athens (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum & Institute of Ethnography SASA), online
2021 Round table Women and socialist cultural heritage: new perspectives of reinterpretation (RE.KreAKT), Belgrade (Serbia)
2021 International Scientific Conference SmartArt – “Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision”, Belgrade (Serbia)
2021 VIII International Scientific Conference Material and Spiritual Culture of Serbs in Multiethnic Environments and/or Peripheral Areas, online
2019 International Scientific Conference Current Problems in the Study of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Implementation of Convention 2003. Contribution of Scientists from BAS, Sofia (Bulgaria)
2018 VII International Scientific Conference Material and Spiritual Culture of Serbs in Multiethnic Environments and/or Peripheral Areas, Timisoara (Romania)
2016 Collecting Objects, Telling Stories, ICOM-ITC training workshop, Beijing, China
2016 AEOM Belgium: 50 years of AEOM in Bokrijk, Belgium
2016 International Scientific Conference The Future of Open Air Museums. Built Heritage – Should We Step Into Contemporary Society, or Should We Remain In The Past? , “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum, Romania
2016 International Scientific Conference The Balkan Village. Continuity and Changes throughout History, “Old Village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2015 International Scientific Conference Methods for Working with Intangible Cultural Heritage, Ryfylkemuseet, Norway
2013 Traditions in Europe: Modifying, Inventing and the Instrumentalization of Tradition, “Old Village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2009 Contemporary Ethnographic Museology and the Presentation of New Identities, Museum of Novi Sad, Novi Sad
2009 Fieldwork: Challenges-Results-Application, “Old Village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2008 Study visit to Istanbul, Turkey
2007 Study visit to the “ASTRA”, National Museum Complex, Romania
Membership in scientific organizations, editorial boards and organizational units
Member of Scientific Council of the Institute of Ethnography SASA.
Member of Special Editions (Monographs) of the Institute of Ethnography SASA.
Member of Editorial Board of Endangered Heritage (online platform of the Archives of Vojvodina).
Member of Award Committees of the Institute of Ethnography SASA (2020–2021).
Head of the Working group for promotion of science and scientific activities of the Institute of Ethnography SASA.
Member of Visual anthropology working group, The Institute of Ethnography SASA
Member of Ethnological and Anthropological Associations of Serbia
Editor of the website of the Institute of Ethnography SASA (https://etno-institut.co.rs/).
President of the Organizing committee of the national scientific meeting with international participation Anthropology in/of the Future (organized by the Institute of Ethnography SASA and the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade, 2022, Viminacium Archaeological Park (Serbia).
Member of the Organizing committee for the scientific conference Different Identities and Functions of Urban Space: A Comparative Study of the Circumstances in Belgrade and Athens (organized by the Institute of Ethnography SASA and the Laboratory for Folklore and Social Anthropology of the Department of History and Ethnology of the Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), 2021, online.
2019 Dreams about the Past and Tradition: Olga Benson, the Institute of Ethnography of SASA
2017 Memories of Memories, the Institute of Ethnography of SASA, Belgrade
2015 Heritage on the Shelf, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2015 Tactile Heritage, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2015 Music Through Life, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2014 Children`s Stories, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2010 Once Upon a Time…, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2009 Омајници, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2007 The Creatures from the Other Side, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2007 Кахве-хана, “Old village” Open Air Museum, Sirogojno
2015 My Orpheus, documentary film
2008 God Forbid, documentary film
2022. „Srpski svadbeni običaji u rumunskom delu Banata“. U Srbi u Rumuniji II - Etnološka istraživanja Božića, krsne slave i svadbe, co-authors Milina Ivanović Barišić i Đorđina Trubarac Matić; 227-291. Temišvar / Beograd: Savez Srba u Rumuniji i Etnografski institut SANU.
2019. Antropologija grada – političko konstruisanje prostora. Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU.
2016. Tradicija kao simbolički resurs. Modna produkcija Sirogojno stil. Sirogojno: Muzej na otvorenom „Staro selo“.
2022. (co-author Milan Tomašević) „Fond slikarke Olge Benson kao „mesto susreta“ naučnika i umetnika“, Antropologija 22 (3): 21-37.
2022. „Zlatibor knitters in the socialist Yugoslavia media discourse.“ Vestnik antropologii (No 3): 89–98.
2022. „Children’s perception of the visual identity of Belgrade“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 70 (2): 103-127.
2022. „Modna produkcija Sirogojno Style: prilagođavanje narativa o prošlosti kontekstu savremene mode“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 70 (1): 53–76.
2021. „Srbi u rumunskom delu Banata: etnografija terenskog istraživanja“. Ishodišta 7: 35–49.
2021. „Muzejski narativi u diskursu jugoslovenskog socijalizma: stalna postavka Muzeja ustanka 1941. u Titovom Užicu“. U: Propaganda i javni narativi u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, ur. Bojana Bogdanović i Kristijan Obšust, 121–145. Novi Sad–Beograd: Arhiv Vojvodine i Etnografski institut SANU.
2021. (Lukić Krstanović, Miroslava & Bojana Bogdanović) „Implementation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Serbia: From Paradigm to Practice“. In: Intangible cultural heritage. Current Problems, eds. Mila Santova et al. 52–65. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na BAN „Prof. Marin Drinov“.
2020. „Grad kao metatekst: studije iz srpske urbane antropologije“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 68 (1): 7–12.
2020. „Simbolička (re)konstrukcija Titovog Užica u periodu od 1991–1994. godine“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 68 (1): 75–93.
2020. „Prilog proučavanju etničkog identiteta Srba u Rumuniji: svadba u selima Poljadije“. Antropologija 20 (3): 234–249.
2020. „Običaji životnog ciklusa kod Srba u Rumuniji: svadba u selima Poljadije“. Ishodišta 6: 27–38.
2019. „Identitetski elementi Srba u Rumuniji: svadba u selima Pomorišja i Banatske Crne Gore.“ Ishodišta 5: 43–56.
2018. „Digitalizacija bibliotečke građe i izvora u specijalnoj biblioteci Muzeja na otvorenom `Staro selo` u Sirogojnu: predlog projekta Digitalna biblioteka“. Glasnik Etnografskog muzeja 82: 71–83.
2018. „E-muzejska publikacija u sistemu onlajn muzejske komunikacije“. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 66 (2): 403–416.
2018. „Svetovni praznici u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji: obeležavanje Dana borca 1961. godine u Titovom Užicu.“ Kultura 161: 89–104.
2018. „Religijske prakse u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji: proslavljanje Božića u crkvi Sv. Đorđa u Titovom Užicu 1956. godine.“ Etnoantropološki problemi Vol 13, No 4: 1141–1163.
2017. „Komercijalizacija tradicije i proces emancipacije seoske žene - primer modne produkcije `Sirogojno stil`“. U: Selo Balkana. Kontinuiteti i promene kroz istoriju, ur. Nedeljko V. Radosavljević & Snežana Tomić, 191‒209. Beograd: Istorijski institut i Muzej na otvorenom „Staro selo“ Sirogojno.
2017. „Inkluzija slepih i slabovidih osoba u programske aktivnosti muzeja na otvorenom – primer projekta Taktilna baština.“ Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 65 (1): 163–175.
2016. „Sloboda govora.“ U: Muzeji na otvorenom: Knjiga o svemu što ste želeli da znate o muzejima na otvorenom, ur. Nikola Krstović, 242‒250. Sirogojno: Muzej na otvorenom „Staro selo“.
2016. „Sirogojno Style Fashion Products in the System of General Museology: Theory and Practice.“ In Discussing heritage and Museums Crossing Paths of France and Serbia, ed. Nikola Krstović, 72–93 Sirogojno: Open Air Museum „Old Village“.
2015. „Sa nečujnim glasovima.“ U: Muzeji na otvorenom: Nečujni glasovi, ur. Nikola Krstović, 141‒171. Sirogojno: Muzej na otvorenom „Staro selo“.
2014. „Njena priča.“ U: Muzeji na otvorenom: Oci osnivači, ur. Nikola Krstović, 149‒175. Sirogojno: Muzej na otvorenom „Staro selo“.
2012. „Instrumentalizacija tradicije: primer modne produkcije `Sirogojno stil`“. U: Muzeji na otvorenom: Zbornik, ur. Nikola Krstović, 79‒93.
2011. „Ogled o starim i novim identitetima: primer lokalne zajednice, Sirogojno Company i Muzeja na otvorenom `Staro selo` u Sirogojnu.“ U: Savremena etnografska muzeologija i prezentacija (novih) identiteta, 71‒84. Novi Sad: Muzej grada Novog Sada.
2008. „Prezentacija muzejskog predmeta u Muzeju na otvorenom `Staro selo` u Sirogojnu.“Etnološka sekcija MDS 7: 25‒35.
2021. (kourednik Kristijan Obšust) Propaganda i javni narativi u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, Novi Sad–Beograd: Arhiv Vojvodine i Etnografski institut SANU.
2020. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 68 (1): Grad kao metatekst: studije iz srpske urbane antropologije.
2016. Kod : rod. Sirogojno: Muzej na otvorenom „Staro selo“ (Code: Gender. Sirogojno: The Open Air Museum Old Village).
Presentations from selected conferences
2022. „Uloga etničke egzogamije u procesu konstrukcije etničkog identiteta Srba u rumunskom Banatu“ na IX međunardnom naučnom skupu Materijalna i duhovna kultura Srba u multietničkim sredinama i/ili perifernim oblastima (organizator Filozofski fakultet u Nišu, Savez Srba u Rumuniji i Zapadni univerzitet u Temišvaru), Temišvar, 14-16. oktobar 2022.
2021. „Children's perception of urban space as a functional visual whole“ U: Different Identities and Functions of Urban Space: A Comparative Study of the Circumstances in Belgrade and Athens (onlajn međunarodna naučna konferencija; organizator Etnografski institut SANU i Laboratorija za folklor i socijalnu antropologiju Odeljenja za istoriju i etnologiju Demokritovog univerziteta Trakije; 29–30. novembar 2021.).
2021. „The representation of the Zlatibor’s knitter in the media discourse of socialist Yugoslavia“ U: Women and socialist cultural heritage: new perspectives of reinterpretation (naučna konferencija; organizator Društvo za kreativne inicijative RE.KreAKT; 15. oktobar 2021, Beograd).
2021. „Olga Benson’s artwork collection as a meeting place for ethnologists / anthropologists and artists“ (na međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji SmartArt – umetnost i nauka u primeni: „Iskustvo i vizija” organizator Fakultet primenjenih umetnosti Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu, pokrovitelj Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti 23–25. septembar 2021, Beograd).
2021. „Srbi u Rumunskom delu Banata: etnografija terenskog istraživanja“ U: Materijalna i duhovna kultura Srba u multietničkim sredinama i/ili perifernim oblastima (međunarodna naučna konferencija; organizator Filozofski fakultet u Nišu, Savez Srba u Rumuniji i Zapadni univerzitet u Temišvaru, 15. oktobar 2021, Niš).
2018. „Identitetski elementi Srba u Rumuniji: Božić, Krsna slava i svadba u gornjebanatskim selima“ U: Materijalna i duhovna kultura Srba u multietničkim sredinama i/ili perifernim oblastima (međunarodna naučna konferencija; organizator Filozofski fakultet u Nišu, Savez Srba u Rumuniji i Zapadni univerzitet u Temišvaru, Temišvar).
Scientific critiques and reviews
2019. Kristijan Obšust, „Ogledi o kolektivnom identitetu antičkih Grka i uticaju percepcije o grčkoj klasičnoj starini na formiranje evropskih nacija i konstruisanje slovenstva.“ Arheon 2 (2): 491‒494.
2018. Grupa autora, „Mali leksikoni srpske kulture – Etnologija i antropologija.“ Folkloristika 3/1: 187–189.
2018. Grupa autora, „Mali leksikoni srpske kulture – Etnologija i antropologija.“ Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 66 (1): 221‒223.
Article in a newspaper or popular magazine
2023. „Uloga braka u konstrukciji etničkog identiteta Srba u Rumuniji“ (Temišvarski zbornik)
Thematic publications
2016. Šta sve znaš o tradicionalnoj arhitekturi zlatiborskog kraja?, Muzej na otvorenom ''Staro selo'', Sirogojno.
2015. Šta sve znaš o tradicionalnoj hrani zlatiborskog kraja?, Muzej na otvorenom ''Staro selo'', Sirogojno.
2014. Šta sve znaš o tradicionalnoj odeći zlatiborskog kraja?, Muzej na otvorenom ''Staro selo'', Sirogojno.
Catalogs of exhibitions
2015. Muzikom kroz život, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom ''Staro selo'', Sirogojno.
2015. Baština na rafu, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom ''Staro selo'', Sirogojno.
2010. Bilo jednom…, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom "Staro selo", Sirogojno.
2009. Hajdučki sastanak, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom "Staro selo", Sirogojno.
2008. Omajnici, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom "Staro selo", Sirogojno.
2007. Kahve-hana, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom "Staro selo", Sirogojno.
2007. Lov na bića s one strane, katalog izložbe, Muzej na otvorenom "Staro selo", Sirogojno.