Danilo Trbojević
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Research Associate
Fields of interest: anthropology of folk culture, modern forms of religiosity and alternative religious systems, subculture, identity politics, thanatology, the culture of fear and political anthropology, the culture of memory and visual anthropology...
Email: danilotrbojevic@yahoo.com
2021 obtained title of research associate
2021 received doctorate at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2011 master's degree at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2008 graduated from the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2021 Ethnographic Institute SANU, Belgrade
International conferences, scientific gatherings and study trips
2009 Symposium on the subject of the Holocaust, death camps and genocide committed in the Independent State of Croatia during the Second World War. Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2011 International Conference on the Holocaust, Death Camps and Genocide Committed in the Independent State of Croatia during World War II, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2013 " Spaces of memory ", Department of Art History, Belgrade, Serbia
2014 "12th International border crossings students conference", Border crossing network, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
2014 International Conference on the Holocaust, Death Camps and Genocide Committed in the Independent State of Croatia during World War II, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2014 "Oral Tradition: Folkloristic Aspects and an Interdisciplinary perspective." Institute of Ethnology and Folkloristics, Zagreb, Croatia
2014 "Intangible Heritage Weekend", Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Belgrade Serbia.
2015 "Keep it simple, make it fast", Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
2015 "International Conference: The Holocaust in Southeastern Europe", Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Bucharest, Romania
2016 "Escalation into the Holocaust: from the firing squads to the gas truck of the concentration camp at Sajmište - two decisive phases of the Holocaust in Serbia." Historical Archive of Belgrade. Belgrade Serbia
2016 "Population Migration - The Refugee Phenomenon", Council of the Bosniak National Community and the Institute for Migration and Nationalities. Zagreb, Croatia
2018 "Anthropology of Music", Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Belgrade Serbia
2022 "Intangible Heritage Weekend", Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Belgrade Serbia.
2022 "Researching society during a pandemic - methodological aspects of research", Institute for Sociological Research. Belgrade Serbia
2023 "The transnational history and memory of world war ii crimes in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, and the Northern Adriatic", University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.
2023 "Mythic, ethno and other animals: Interdisciplinary starting points and traditional practices", Institute of Ethnology and Folklore. Zagreb, Croatia.
Field research
2006. Fieldwork - "poklade", Grebenac, Serbia
2007. Fieldwork in the villages of the Knjaževac district
2008. Fieldwork - the killing sites of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
2010. Fieldwork - the killing grounds of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
2014. Fieldwork in the villages of the Knjaževac district
2014. Fieldwork in the villages of Zaroški region
2015. Fieldwork on execution and memory sites in the territory of the city of Belgrade
2015. Fieldwork - "poklade", Grebenac, Serbia
2015. Fieldwork in the villages around Veliko Gradiste
2015. Fieldwork in the villages of Leva and Pomoravski districts
2015. Fieldwork in the villages of the Pčinj district
2016. Fieldwork in the villages of the Knjaževac district
2017. Fieldwork in the villages of the Knjaževac district
2017. Fieldwork in the villages of the Valjevo district
2018. Fieldwork in villages around Ćuprija, Jagodina and Paraćin
2018. Fieldwork in villages around Loznica
2019. Fieldwork in villages around Loznica
2019. Fieldwork in villages around Loznica (2)
2021 Fieldwork in the village of Mosorin
2021 Fieldwork in villages around Loznica
2021 "Spirit", Documentary
2021 "Crossing through the hole / children's church", Documentary film
2021 "Never Younger - 75 years of the Ethnographic Institute SANU", Documentary film
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2013. Anthropology of the Americanization of the Holocaust. Belgrade: Andrejevic Endowment.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2014. Remembering Evil - the policy of commemorating the victims of Nazi and Ustasha camps. Belgrade: Serbian Genealogical Center / Museum of Genocide Victims.
Scientific papers:
Trbojević, Danilo. 2022. "How to slay the 'Political Vampire': Aberration as a Socio-Political Construct." Ethnographic Institute SANU journal, [S.l.], v. 70, n. 2, Belgrade: 217–244.
Trbojević, Danilo. 2022. "Children's war games as an arena for reflection on socio-political reality, crisis and conflict", Anthropology of sports, games and childhood, Ed. Bojan Žikić, Ivan Đorđević, Vladeta Petrović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade.
Trbojević, Danilo. 2021. "Demonological narratives as an lens for observing changes in social and cultural reality in the rural communities of the Knjaževac region". Ethno-Cultural Collection, Book XXIV, Ed. Ivica Todorović, Vojislav Filipović, Svrljig: 69-93.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2019. (Re) revival and narration of trauma: Cultural role and social identity of (children) inmates ". Genocide Research Yearbook11 (2): 531-556.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2018. Between music and violence: "silence" as a ritualized performance of identity and ideology. Ethnoanthropological Problems 13 (4): 1031-1066.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2017. The Politics of Memory and Identity: The Symbolic Use of "Gavrilo Pirincip in Political Narratives in the Former Yugoslavia. Hereticus1 (2): 247-260.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2016. “Balkanization” of national memories and identities trauma. Holocaust. Studies and Circulatory9 (8): 289-305.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2015. Analysis of positive and negative attitudes towards the economic potential of geographical, historical and identity connections with vampire motifs in Serbia. Anthropology15 (1): 93-128.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2015. "Mapping Social Amnesia in Belgrade: Ideology, Politics and the Economy of Oblivion, five examples". Museum of Genocide Victims in Belgrade7: 127-164.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2014. "The Politics of Selective Memory in the Age of Transition". Proceedings - JASENOVAC, Banja Luka: 107-127
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2013. "Materialization of the Memory of Evil: A Comparative Analysis of Architectural Solutions and Concepts of Exhibitions at the American Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, Buchenwald Memorial and Auschwitz Memorial." Spaces of Memory, Volume I, Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade: Belgrade: 412-429
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2012. Consequences of an unprofessional and pseudoscientific approach to the problem of "new religious movements" - sects and violence in Serbia "Glasnik etnografskog muzeja 76 (1): 61-86.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2011. Roadside for the dead in urban areas. Journal of the Ethnographic Museum 75 (1): 131-154.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2011. "War of Remembrance: Victim and Perpetrator, Politics and Identity, Remembrance of the Victims of Jasenovac and Bleiburg in Croatia". Proceedings - JASENOVAC. Banja Luka: 195-211
Published summary of the scientific presentation at the conference:
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2022. "Creature and machine: demonological narratives of members of rural communities as a lens for observing the relationship between man and nature" was published in the book of the summary of the international scientific conference "Migrations from Antiquity to Today" organized by the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2011. "Memorialization of the Memory of Evil: A Comparative Analysis of Architectural Solutions and Concepts of Exhibitions at the American Holocaust Museum in Washington, Buchenwald Memorial Center, and Auschwitz Memorial Center" International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference "Spaces of Memory", Belgrade.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2014. "The Use of the Vampiric Motif as Social and Political Criticism in Yugoslav and Serbian Film", International Scientific Conference "Oral Tradition: Folklore Aspects and Interdisciplinary Vision", Zagreb, Croatia.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2015. "Tales from the Belgrade pit: Performance, identity, communication and violence at underground concerts", International scientific interdisciplinary conference "Crossing borders of underground music scenes", Porto, Portugal.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2016. “Migrants in Serbia Today: Constructing and Intertwining Old and New Stereotypes of“ Otherness ”, International Scientific Conference“ Population Migration - The Phenomenon of Refugee ”, Islamic Center, Zagreb, Croatia.
Trbojević Danilo, 2017, "Echoes of Memory: The Identity and Role of "Detainees"in the Social and Political Memory of the Holocaust". The fourth scientific conference with international participation - The suffering of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Belgrade.
Trbojevic, Danilo. 2023. "Knowledge and power: snake charmers and snake charmers in a postmodern, hybrid society", International scientific conference "Mythical, ethnic and other animals: Interdisciplinary starting points and traditional practices", Zagreb.