Marina Mandić

Marina Mandić

Academic title: PhD

Research position: Research Associate

Fiedls of research: popular culture, anthropology of zombies, horror films, infectious diseases, medical anthropology, subcultures.


2022 Acquired the position of Research Associate at the Institute of Ethnography of SASA

2021 Completed doctoral studies in Ethnology and Anthropology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

2018 Acquired the position of Research assistant at the Institute of Ethnography of SASA

2014 Completed master studies in Ethnology and Anthropology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

2013 Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade with a degree in Ethnology and Anthropology


2018 The Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade


2018/2019 Cultural heritage and identity (MPNT RS 177026), The Institute of Ethnography SASA

International conferences, scientific conferences and study visits

2014 „Border Crossings Students Conference“, Belgrade, Serbia

2023 Scientific Conference „Anthropology of Literature, Art and Media”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology


2023 Lecture „Anthropology of Zombies: from Voodoo to epidemiological apocalypse”, Community center „Krov”

2020 Radio Aparat, program “Sound ethnography - Epidemics and SARS-CoV-2”

2019 Scientific cafe “Game of Thrones”, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade

2016 Tribune “The Walking Dead”, Beokon festival, Belgrade Youth Center

2015 Tribune „They’re coming to get you Barb’ra” , “Serbian Fantastic Film Festival”, Students Cultural Center Belgrade

Mandić, Marina. 2016. „Sjedinjene države „Zombilenda”: migracije u popularnoj kulturi na primeru epidemije zombija”. Etnoantropološki problemi 11 (1): 413–434.

Mandić, Marina. 2018. „Rađanje živih mrtvaca: karakteristike žanra zombi filma i Romerova vizija apokalipse”. Antropologija 18 (3): 173–190.

Mandić, Marina. 2019. „Između stvarnog i zamišljenog: infektivna oboljenja u kinematografiji na primeru filma Variola Vera”. Etnoantropološki problemi 14 (2): 487–505.

Mandić, Marina. 2020. „Karneval užasa: metaforički diskursi zombi šetnje“. Antropologija 20 (1-2): 319–330.

Mandić, Marina. 2021. „Viralna apokalipsa:diskursi širenja i zaustavljanja epidemije na primeru filmskih narativa o zombijima”. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 69 (3): 675–687.

Mandić, Marina. 2022. „Nemrtvi novi svet: okruženje apokalipse i društveni odnosi usled epidemije zombija”. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 70 (1): 197-221.

Mandić, Marina i Vesna Trifunović. 2023. „Poslednji među zdravima: karantin kao kritika u dva apokaliptična narativa popularne kulture”. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU71(3): 159-178.

Mandić, Marina. 2024. „Kulturološka tradicija zombifikacije na Haitiju: primer filma Beli zombi”. Etnoantropološki problemi 19 (2): 359 - 381.

Mandić, Marina. 2024. „Zamišljanje monstruoznog Drugog: Uvod u proučavanje medikalizacije nemrtvih”. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 72(3): 219 - 242.