
Marta Stojić Mitrović
Academic title: PhD
Research position: Senior Research Associate
Fields of interest: Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, Anthropology of Migration, Anthropology of Policy
Email: martastojic@gmail.com
2017 research associate at the Institute of Ethnography SASA
2016 PhD, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2010 research assistant the Institute of Ethnography SASA
2009 MA, Interfaculty MA studies of anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
2007 research trainee at the Institute of Ethnography SASA
2003 BA, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2007 The Institute of Ethnography SASA
2020/2024 Europski režim iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji: od etnografije do pojmovnika (ERIM), Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (IP 2019-04-6642)
Jan./Dec.2020 Die Länder des ehemaligen Jugoslawien als „doppelter Transitraum“: Solidaritäten, Grenzziehungen und Grenzüberquerungen zwischen MigrantInnen und der lokalen Bevölkerung auf dem Weg in die EU (DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service)
2011/2019 Multiethnicity, multiculturalism, migrations – contemporary processes (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development RS
Jul./Nov. 2018 Summer School in Belgrade: From Transit to Reception on the Balkans, (DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service)
2007/2010 Ethnicity: Contemporary Processes in Serbia, Neighbouring Countries and the Diaspora (Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development RS 147023)
2007/2009 Serbs in Slovenia and Slovenians in Serbia – Anthropological research of identity and a view on the situation in our profession
International conferences, scientific meetings and study visits
2020 Vsakdanje življenje v času epidemije Nove izkušnje, etnografija in refleksija, Ljubljana (online), 19. May
2019 European Elections Under the Shadow of (Dis)-Integration: Perspective from Balkan Route. Sarajevo, 25-26 April
2019 58th International University Week: „Borders in Southeast Europe”, Tutzing, 30 Sept-4. October
2019 30 Jahre nach der «Wende» ist Osteuropa immer noch hochaktuell. Die Osteuropa-Studien Bern-Fribourg ziehen Bilanz und fragen nach dem Verhältnis zwischen Osteuropa, Europa und der Schweiz, Fribourg, 17-18 October
2019 Respecting human rights at the EU’s borders: research findings on the Croatia /Bosnia and Herzegovina border and policy responses to violence at EU borders, Brussels 24 September,
2018 “B/ORDERS IN MOTION: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives”, International Conference at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 15 -17 November
2018 Workshop: “Inhabitance as Citizenship?”, Brighton, 22 June
2018 Study Days (GUE/NGL), Thessaloniki, 5-7 June
2018 Come together! Für eine Große Koalition des Antirassismus. Panel: Border Regime II: Nearly Closed Corridor- the situation of the Balkan Route. Goettingen, 10-13 May
2018 ‘Religion and Migration in the Eastern Orthodox World’ Workshop, Belgrade, 7-8 June
2017 Retrospectives and Perspectives of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sirogojno, 8-10 September
2017 Unsettled Europe: Refugees, States and Politics in Southeast Europe, Graz, 27-29 January
2016 Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe, Zagreb, 10-11 November
2016 Refugee Crisis in South East Europe, Aston University, Birmingham, 21 June 2016
2015 12th SIEF Congress: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century, Zagreb, 21-25 June
2014 Naučno istraživanje migracija u Srbiji: problemi i inicijative, Beograd, 8. December
2013 Brokering Human Security: Access at times of heightened migration control, Paris, 1-2 September
2011 Kulture i granice, Vršac, 6-8 October
2009 Terenska istraživanja (izazovi – rezultati – primena), Sirogojno, 31. august – 3. September
2008 9th SIEF conference: Transcending 'European Heritages': Liberating the Ethnological Imagination, Londonderry, 16-20 June 2008.
2008 10th EASA conference: Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26-30 August
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta & Ana Vilenica (2019) Enforcing and disrupting circular movement in an EU Borderscape: housingscaping in Serbia, Citizenship Studies, 23 (6): 540-558.
- Stojic Mitrovic, Marta (online first 2018; printed in 2019). The Reception of Migrants in Serbia: Policies, Practices and Concepts. In: Julia M. Watkins, Darja Zaviršek (eds.) The Challenges of Migration in Southeast Europe: Social workers as Promotors of Human Rights in the times of Rising Anti-migration Sentiment in the Countries of South East Europe. Special Issue of the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work. 4 (1): 17-27 Springer Publishing.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2018) “Managing” the polyphony: The discourse of fraud and epistocracy in the context of migration. In: Marijeta Rajković Iveta, Petra Kelemen and Drago Župarić-Iljić (eds.), "Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe", Zagreb, FF Press: 181-193.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2018) Migracije kao predmet antropološkog istraživanja: konceptualizacije i politike (Migrations as the Objects of Anthropological Research: conceptualizations and policies). Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 66 (3): 459- 475.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2017) Koliko su “opasna” tela migranata? Narativi o bolesti i javnom zdravlju i tehnike upravljanja (How Dangerous are Migrants’ bodes? Narratives about Disease and Public Health and Techniques of Governance). Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 65 (3): 593-609.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2017) Izazovi terenskog proučavanja migracija u etnologiji i antropologiji: multilokacijska etnografska istraživanja (Some challenges associated with the field research of unauthorized migrations in ethnology and anthropology: ethnographic multi-sited research). Slovenika No. 3: 23-34.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2017) Migracije (Migrations). In: Mali leksikon srpske kulture. Službeni Glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: Beograd.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2017) Manjine (Minorities). In: Mali leksikon srpke kulture. Službeni Glasnik i Etnografski institut SANU: Beograd.
- Stojic Mitrovic, Marta (2017) “Politically correct” hate speech? Winter 2014/2015 migration from Kosovo in media presentations in Serbia. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo No. 268: 163-177.
- Beznec, Barbara, Marc Speer and Marta Stojic Mitrovic (2016) Governing the Balkan Route: Macedonia, Serbia, and the European Border Regime. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe, Belgrade: 1-116.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta i Ela Meh (2015) The Reproduction of Borders and the Contagiousness of Illegalisation: A Case of a Belgrade Youth Hostel. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 63 (3): 623-638.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2014) Serbian migration policy concerning irregular migration and asylum in the context of the EU integration process. Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 9 (4): 1105-1120.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2014) Presenting as a problem, acting as an opportunity: four cases of socio-political conflicts taking the presence of migrants as a focal object in Serbia. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 62 (1): 67-82.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2013) Stigmatizacija kao posledica ilegalizacije određenih oblika transnacionalnog kretanja – dehumanizacija tzv. ilegalnih migranata (Stigmatization as a Result of the Illegalization of some Forms of Transnational Movement: Dehumanization of “the Illegal Migrants”). Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 61(2): 163-174.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2013) Ljudska prava i državljanstvo (Human Rights and Citizenship). Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 61 (1): 107-117.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2012) Eksternalizacija granica Evropske unije i pojava improvizovanih migrantskih naselja u Srbiji (The Externalization of the borders of the EU and the appearance of the improvised migrants’ settlements in Serbia). Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke 139: 237-248.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2012) Svetska ekonomska kriza kao indikator sistemske diskriminacije migranata: primer migrantskih građevinskih radnika u Sloveniji (The global economic crisis as an indicator systemic discrimination against migrants: a case of migrant construction workers in Slovenia). Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 60 (1): 33-40.
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2012) „Metoda posmatranja sa učestvovanjem: primer socijalnog centra Rog u Ljubljani.“ (The Method of Observation with Participation: the case of social centre Rog in Ljubljana). In: Milina Ivanović - Barišić (ed.),Terenska istraživanja – poetika susreta, Zbornik radova Etnografskog instituta SANU 27: 205-212.
- Stojić, Marta (2010) Antropolog – novinar ili državni neprijatelj (Anthropologist – journalist or the enemy of the state. The Erased of Slovenia). Izbrisani Slovenije. Traditiones 39 (1): 155-164.
- Stojić, Marta (2009) The Erased in Slovenia: Is There an End to the Story? Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 57 (2): 69-82.
- Stojić, Marta (2008) Ko su izbrisani? Tehnike isključivanja u Republici Sloveniji (Who are the Erased? The techniques of exclusion in the Republic of Slovenia), Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 56 (1): 127-144.
- Stojić, Marta (2008) „Od fabrike bicikala do socijalnog centra. Fabrika „Rog“, Ljubljana – eksperiment društvenih odnosa“ (From bicycle factory to social centre. „Rog“ factory, Ljublkanan – the experiment of social relations). In: Zorica Divac (ed.) Kulturne paralele, Svakodnevna kultura u postsocijalističkom periodu, Zbornik Etnografskog instituta SANU 25:159-176.
- Stojić, Marta (2007) “Erasure: from liminality to metaphor“. In: Barbara Beznec et al. (eds.), Zgodba nekega izbrisa, Časopis za kritiko znanosti 35 (228): 148-155.
Interventions, abstracts and book reviews:
- Stojić Mitrović, Marta (2018) “Savremeni izazovi multikulturalizma: ratovi i migracije. Izbeglištvo, granice, politike” (Contemporaray Challenges of Multiculturalism: Wars and Migrations. Refugees, borders, policies). In: Dušan Janjić (ed.), Zbornik radova “Mi i drugi”, 11-19. Forum za etničke odnose: Beograd.
- Kapilashrami Anuj and Stojic Mitrovic Marta (2018) Contested policy frameworks and implications for access to healthcare and protection of migrants in Europe European Journal of Public Health 28, Suppl. 1: 17- 17.
- Drago Župarić-Iljić (urednik) (2013) Prvih deset godina razvoja sustava azila u Hrvatskoj (s osvrtom na sustave azila u regiji). Nakladnici: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, Kuća ljudskih prava Zagreb, 2013, Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA, 63(3): 641 – 643.
- Duško Petrović (2016) Izbjeglištvo u suvremenom svijetu. Od političkoteorijskih utemeljenja do biopolitičkih ishoda. Lijevak: Zagreb., Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA, 64(3): 591 – 593.
- Neža Kogovšek (ed.) (2010). The Scars of the Erasure. Ljubljana: Peace Institute, 2010, Südosteuropa: Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft, vol. 2, no. 59, pp. 278 - 280.
- Profantová, Zuzana a kolektív (2009) Hodnota zmeny – zmena hodnoty. Demarkačný rok 1989. Bratislava: Ústav etnológie SAV, Národopisná spoolčnosť pri SAV, 2009., Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA, 61 (1): 153 - 155.