Јелена Чворовић
Академска титула: доктор наука
Научно звање: Научни саветник
Области интересовања: еволуционе бихејвиоралне науке, биокултурна антропологија, култура здравствене интеракције.
Мејл: cvrvc@yahoo.com
Образовање/стечена звања
2012 стекла звање – научни саветник Етнографског института САНУ
2003 стекла звање – научни сарадник Етнографског института САНУ
2001 докторирала на Одељењу за антропологију на Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA.
1994 магистрирала на Одељењу за археологију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду
1992 дипломирала на Одељењу археологију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду
2002 Етнографски институт САНУ, Београд
2023 - Review editor Frontiers in Public Health/Child Health/ Child Pediatrics
2014 - Члан уредничког саветодавног одбора The Mankind Quarterly
Čvorović, J, Coe, K. 2022. Storytelling around the World: Folktales, Narrative Rituals, and Oral Traditions. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio. ISBN: 978-1-4408-7294-5 (print); 978-1-4408-7295-2 (ebook)
Cvorovic, J. 2014. The Roma: A Balkan Underclass. Ulster Institute of Social Research. London: UK.
Čvorović, J. 2010. Roast Chicken and other Gypsy stories. Peter Lang GmbH. Hamburg: Germany.
Čvorović, J. 2004. Gypsy Narratives: From Poverty To Culture. Belgrade: the Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Научни радови
2022. Čvorović, J. Do unwanted children face growth penalties in resource poor environments? Evidence from Roma Settlements in Serbia. Journal of Biosocial Science https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S0021932022000335
2022. Čvorović, J. Paternal Investment, Stepfather Presence and Early Child Development and Growth among Serbian Roma. Evolutionary Human Sciences https://doi:10.1017/ehs.2022.14
2022. Čvorović, J. Maternal age at marriage and child nutritional status and development: evidence from Serbian Roma communities. Public Health Nutrition 1-34. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980022000544
2022. Čvorović, J. Stunting, Maternal Investment, and Early Child Development in Serbian Roma Children Aged 36–59 Months. Glasnik EI SANU, 70 (3), 175-191.
2020. Čvorović, J. Child wantedness and low weight at birth: differential parental investment among Roma. Behavioral Sciences 10, 6,102. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs10060102
2019. Čvorović, J. and Vojinovic, Z. The Effect of Social Assistance on Kin Relationships: Evidence from Roma communities. Biodemography and Social Biology.
2019. Čvorović, J. Stature and education among Roma women: taller stature is associated with better educational and economic outcomes. Journal of Biosocial Science. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021932019000427
2019. Čvorović, J. The Differential Impact of Religion on Self-reported Health among Serbian Roma Women. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-019-00824-8
2019. Čvorović, J. Debate Diabetes mellitus prevalence among traditional Roma women in Serbia: a reply to Brož and Nunes. Journal of Biosocial Science 51 (3):465-466 https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021932019000117
2019. Čvorović, J. Self-rated health and teenage pregnancies in Roma women: Increasing height is associated with better health outcomes. Journal of Biosocial Science. 51 (3): 444-456). doi:10.1017/S0021932018000196
2018. Čvorović, J. Influence of maternal height on children’s health status and mortality: a cross-sectional study in poor Roma communities in rural Serbia. HOMO. 69 (6):357-363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchb.2018.11.004
2018. Čvorović, J. and Coe, K. Happy marriages are all alike: Marriage and self-rated health among Serbian Roma. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, SASA https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI181031001C
2018. Čvorović, J. and Coe, K. Roma Women Role Models and Health. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, SASA. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI1802367C
2018. Čvorović, J. and James, S. John Henryism, Gender and Self-Reported Health among Roma/Gypsies in Serbia. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 42 (2):295-314.
2017. Čvorović, J. and Coe, K. Reproductive Investment and Health Costs in Roma Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(11), 1337; doi:10.3390/ijerph14111337
2017. Coe, K, and Čvorović, J. The Health of Romanian Gypsy women in Serbia. Health Care for Women International. 38(4):409-422.
2017. Čvorović, J. and Coe, K. “Visiting” close kin abroad: migration strategy of the Serbian Roma”. Journal of Gypsy Studies.1 (1):17-29.
2015. Čvorović, J. Fertility Differentials Among Serbian Jews. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 14(2):213-228.
2015. Lynn, R. and Čvorović J. The intelligence of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in Serbia. Mankind Quarterly. 55(4):352-359.
2015. Čvorović, J., and Nikolic, K. Differential reproductive success among the Serbian Jews. Mankind Quarterly. 55(4),297-324.
2014. Čvorović J., and Lynn, R. Intelligence and reproductive success of Bosnians, Serbs and Roma in Serbia. Mankind Quarterly. 54 (3-4), 434-446.
2014. Čvorović J. and Lynn, R. Sex differences in intelligence: some new data from Serbia. Mankind Quarterly 55(1-2), 101-109.
2013. Čvorović J. Serbian Gypsy Witch Narratives: ‘Wherever Gypsies Go There the Witches are We Know!’ , Folklore 124 (2), 214-225.
2012. Čvorović, J., and Nikolic.K. Differential reproductive success in the historic populations of Sandžak. Mankind Quarterly 53 (2), 206-237.
2012. Čvorović, J. Religion and Reproduction: Muslim vs. Orthodox Serbs. Mankind Quarterly 52 (3-4), 358-387.
2011. Čvorović, J. Juvenile marriages, child-brides and infant mortality among Serbian Gypsies. Bulletin of the IE SASA 59(2), 27-44.
2011. Čvorović, J. The Differential Impact of Religion on Life History and Reproductive Strategy: Muslim and Orthodox Gypsies in Serbia. Mankind Quarterly 51(3),330-348.
2009. Gallagher A., Čvorović J., Štrkalj G. Body Mass Index in Serbian Roma. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology 60 (6), 567-578.
2009. Čvorović, J. Losing a River: The Social Significance of Gypsy Oral Tradition. Fabula 50(1-2), 37-53.
2009. Čvorović, J. Serbian Gypsy Narrative. Between Preferred and True Identity. Oral History Review 36(1).45-70.
2009. Rushton, J.P. and Čvorović, J. Data on the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices from Four Serbian Samples. Personality and Individual Differences 46:483-486.
2008. Čvorović, J. and Rushton, J.P. Maternal IQ and Child Mortality in 222 Serbian Roma (Gypsy) Women. Personality and Individual Differences 44:1604-1609.
2008. Čvorović, J. A Gypsy, Butterfly and Gadje: Narrative as Instruction for Behaviour. Folklore 119(1), 29-44.
2008. Čvorović, J. Women’s autonomy and domestic violence in the Sandžak region. Bulletin of the IE SASA 56(1), 133-153.
2008. Čvorović, J. Impact of Paternal Investment among women in Sandžak. Bulletin of the IE SASA 56(2), 159-170.
2007. Rushton, J.P., Bons, T.A., Vernon, T. and Čvorović, J. Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Group Differences on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Estimated from Twins Reared Together and Apart. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 274, 1774-1777.
2007. Rushton, J.P., Čvorović, J. and Bons, T.A. General mental ability in South Asians: Data from three Roma (Gypsy) communities in Serbia. Intelligence 35, 1-12.
2007. Čvorović, J. The Gypsy Dragon. Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA 55, 207-217.
2006. Čvorović, J. Gypsies Drown In Shallow Water: Oral Narratives among Mačva Gypsies. Journal of Folklore Research 43( 2), 129-148.
2006. Čvorović, J. The Making of Gypsies: Invention of Tradition. Issues of Ethnology and Anthropology 1(1), 47-59.
2005. Čvorović, J. Gypsy Oral History in Serbia. Oral History Journal 33 (1), 57-68.
2005. Čvorović, J. Gypsy Ethnic Socialization in Serbia. Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA, 53, 35-48.
2004. Čvorović, J. Sexual and Reproductive strategies among Serbian Gypsies. Population & Environment 25, 217-242.
2004. Čvorović, J. Reproductive behavior, ethnicity and social status: a comparison of two Serbian Gypsy groups Bulletin of Ethnographic Institute SASA 52, 47-59.
Cvorovic, J., Biviji-Sharma, R., Coe, K. 2015. The health of the Serbian Roma/Gypsies: A research report. The Global Health Then and Now Symposium, Chicago, IL.
Cvorovic, J., Biviji-Sharma, R., Coe, K. 2015. Culture and health of Serbian Roma/Gypsy. Western Michigan University Medical Humanities Conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Cvorovic, J., Biviji-Sharma, R., Coe, K. 2015. Culture and health of Serbian Roma/Gypsies. Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ.
Cvorovic, J., Biviji-Sharma, R., Coe, K. 2015. Culture and health of Serbian Roma/Gypsies. University of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ.
Cvorovic, J. 2010. Juvenile marriages, child-brides and infant mortality among Serbian Gypsies. Mеђународни научни скуп „Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције“, САНУ, Београд.
Čvorović, J.2008. Mortality among Gypsies, International Society for Human Ethology (ISHE), Bologna, Italy. Dokumentarni film.
Čvorović, J, Gallaghter, A and Štrkalj G.2008. Serbian Roma: nutritional status. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Columbus, Ohio.