The project "HEROINE - The Heritage of Emancipation: Empowering Roma Women Through Networks of Solidarity" was presented at the Tenth Conference on Cooperation of Culture and Education “If I were Someone – The Strength of the Community. This very important conference, which was held in Belgrade from June 28th to July 3rd of the current year, was organized by BAZAART - the Representative Association in Culture for Scientific Research and Educational Activities. Participants from Serbia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Poland had the opportunity to present their reflections on the concept of community in modern society at several locations in the city. During the three conference days, over 20 lectures, presentations and interactive programs were organized. The "HEROINE" project was presented in the panel "Creating value through dialogue with others". Project manager Ivan Đorđević, PhD, senior research associate of the Ethnographic Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, spoke about the project, which was designed as a collaborative practice that emphasizes partnership with the community through the application of the participatory methodological tool of community mapping.