The project "Heritage of Emancipation: Empowering of Roma Women through Networks of Solidarity (HEROINES)" - conducted by the SASA Ethnographic Institute in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and the Roma Women's Center "Bibija" - focuses on the issue of the emancipation of Roma women in Serbia, using a methodology that seeks to overcome limitations of previous researches. It is designed as a collaborative practice that emphasizes partnership with the community through the application of the participatory methodological tool of community mapping. 

The project received funds for its implementation at the "Public Call for Citizen Scientific Research Projects" competition, which was announced in 2023 by the Center for the Promotion of Science. 

The project coordinator, Ivan Đorđević, senior research associate of the SASA Ethnographic Institute spoke for Elementarium magasine about the project idea, motives for dealing with the women's emancipation theme, research methodology, cooperation with the Roma community, expected results of the project, etc. 

Find the entire interview at the following link: