The first issue of the Bulletin of the SASA Institute of Ethnography for 2023 has been published. The topic of the current issue entitled “Myth and Identity: Cross-Cultural and Intertemporal Approach”, comprises six works and a number of new perspectives, methodologies, proposed interpretations, problem reviews and original scientific contributions.  They approach myth and identity from the perspective of the history of ideas, literature, philosophy, psychology and history of religions, historiography, art history and anthropology. Different theoretical and methodological approaches were applied. Numerous problem areas were opened, reexamined and discussed: myth and the question of truthfulness, the actuality of myth, myths about origin/autochthony, eschatological myths/identities, alterity: personal, ethnic, gender, religious, social, political and cultural aspects/re-mythologizing as a literary procedure and myth in meta-poetic level/the relationship between the identity of the artist and (re)production of the myth about “being an artist” /mythical figures and architypes/myth and ethno-genesis. Such inexhaustible and always current problems invite us to many more interdisciplinary, comparative, cross-cultural and intertemporal scientific efforts.

The editor of the current issue is Đurđina Šijaković Maidanik, PhD, research associate of the SASA Institute of Ethnography

Volume 71 Issue 1 of the Bulletin of the SASA IE can be downloaded at the following link: